Happy Halloween my fellow perverts! (Patreon)
Ah, Halloween, the very best day of the year. I've usually been able to provide you with something special, something Halloween flavored! Well, that's only slightly true this day. I'll have the Katara pic you've already seen in the header as a couple of xxx pics at the bottom of this post in a zipfile for you but not much more *sadface*.
Okay, so naturally I've done more(a lot more) than just work on Katara pics or the failed attempt at a Spookytimes 4 for the last week. Like I've already told you I wanted to (unreasonably) try to create a Spookytimes 4 for today. I barely managed to finish the very start and I'll have to put it in hibernation until next Halloween, I'll add a pic from which you can gleem where I was heading with it... more or less... in the attachments.
Only two days ago I could see what I couldn't(or didn't want to) before, which is... "I'm not going to make it"... Quelle surprise!
So instead I focused on doing something else, fixing some problems with the older Spookytimes. I got a message that the older ones weren't playable for everyone(android) so I've been busy recompiling the older Spookytimes using a much fresher version of the software(and some small changes throughout to streamline things). I've been testing those and older versions and I think I've got something which should be fixed and fine for a long time to come.
I discovered and added some things for the android versions (sometimes all versions) and feel I have a much better handle on how to do things in the future. Courtesy of my new mid level Lenovo android tablet to test on. My older one had 2 Gb of ram, android 10 and even that one was telling me he didn't like Spookytimes 1 because it was kinda old. By the way, my linux pc compiles this stufff waaay faster than my windows pc even though technically it should be the lesser pc. NICE!
I even tried to update stuff like Vampussy, and although I succeeded partly, it turned out to be really crappy to play on a touch screen so I'm leaving that where it is for the moment... in a shallow grave.
Anyway, though you won't be able to see much of it now, this last week has been very helpful to me and I'm feeling pumped to make a nice fat FET build next month. Having a week of mucking about on something which mostly wasn't real FET or 18Titans always helps me to "clear the pipes". I guess that's also what makes me love doing Halloween builds?
Who knows, I might decide to do a Christmas themed standalone silly build instead this year, in the vein of Spookytimes... Christmassytimes? Shady would make for a great Santa claus wouldn't he? But that's for much later to decide.
Ps I also uploaded a new Titans version 1.4.5 and just added it to the 1.4.4. Post. The changes are waaay too small for it to have its own post.
SOooo unfortunately nothing much new for now unless Spookytimes 1,2 and 3 are new to you. Still I hope you'll have a great Halloween!
You'll find the links to the older Spookytimes below. If you've missed them or couldn't play these because the android versions were giving you grief, these should "play nice" for once! Below those is the Franka Stein(katara) zip file.
Spookytimes 1 - pc
Spookytimes 1 - mac
Spookytimes 1 - android
Spookytimes 2 - Pc
Spookytimes 2 - Mac
Spookytimes 2 - android
Spookytimes 3 - pc
Spookytimes 3 - mac
Spookytimes 3 - android
And finally... what has Franka Stein() unearthed at this graveyard during the night? Cookies? See for yourself HERE and partake in the electrifying conclusion to this story! Muahahahah *cough! Wheeze!* Happy Halloween all!