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Hey all, another very belated update from me. I'm still having too much stuff to take care of irl to make these updates feel more than an afterthought though I've been making some good headway on a more practical and efficient solution for my nursing "side hustle" in the future, pic below not entirely unrelated!

So I've had a difficult time staying on top of things again, but I still want to release a new FET build this month. I've been having a good time so far putting it together. It's especially continuity errors and the like which have been keeping me busy and slowed down things a lot for me. Like I said before I want this slave route epilogue to be the one the other slave routes weren't and because of that doing a lot of second-guessing myself when it comes to the pacing of things and when to introduce characters. You might recall me having the same kind of troubles with book 4's love route. Doubt is truly the sand in my(any) engine! Anyway, I'm not 100% certain I'll be able to finish the new build this month. But it won't be because I didn't try by best. Though if all goes well you'll be able to see the result this month. Not much else to say on that topic.

Off-topic I got two things to mention which peaked my interest lately.

First of all, the Windows 11 recall function. In short it's basically having an A.I. track your actions all the time in the new windows... After a lot of backlash it's been made opt-in I believe, but... wow. I jumped to Linux as my main system a while ago because windows starting feeling a bit bloatier and more "curious" as to what people were doing on it with each new version and this isn't exactly a development which makes me regret that decision.

Next thing, Adobe! They're adding some end user agreements for their users to comply with and just trust it's not going to be abused down the road. Adobe makes software such as Photoshop which is a photo/image editor. I haven't been using it for a loooong time, but still save a lot of my files in their psd file format(photoshop document). That's pretty much the only very inconsequential tie I have to them. A lot of other image editors can open/create those file formats so that's not problem. If you only have the slightest interest in this kind of stuff you've probably already encountered it elsewhere since it really blew up all over the place, but it's this kind of thing which makes me happy for at least the existence of alternatives.

You can find a lot of youtube videos on that stuff for context if you are in any way interested.

I'm keeping my musings this time to just the above. Still got a lot to do if I wanna finish things on time!

Oh and once again, my message box is always the first victim when I start feeling overwhelmed soooo if you've been waiting on a reply from me, sorry for that! I'll try and catch up with those this weekend

Speaking of weekends, hope you'll have a good one!

Peace out! Marty  




So glad one of my favorite game devs is a Linux user! Every day I'm grateful to Valve and GloriousEggroll for Proton. Linux gaming for me is pretty much as good as windows (in x11...) especially since I'm morally against kernel level anti cheats, denuvo etc and mostly just play single player stuff. I just wish Nvidia would hurry up with the 555 driver because the whole wayland only thing in Fedora is getting a bit annoying


I´d rather wait another month than to play something unfinished or too short. I guess everything would be too short cause Im greedy but not that greedy that I wouldn´t wait for something worth waiting for. Just consider this an option. Just dont wanna wait another 2 months for a good sized fet build.