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Hey all! I'd almost forgotten to put together a new arts assets update for this month. It's probably a smaller one than you're used to from me, but it's at least something I can still do this month.

BUGHUNTERS! Like I said in my earlier update I'll dm you links to the bughunt version in April if you were one in March, but if you somehow don't get a message from me once the time is there(and you aren't in the bughunter tier anymore), don't hesitate to let me know so I can correct that.

Thanks and see you in April!

FET art assets: 76 - alt link

Older FET art assets below:

Epilogue: 66-68     69   70   71   72    73    74    75

book 4:  38-39    40-41    42-43   44-46   47-48   49-50    51-52    

53-54    55-57   58-59   60-61   62-63    64-65   

book 3: 19  20  21   22-23     24-25    26-27   28   29   30-31   32-33   34-35   36-37 

book 2:  05-07   08-11   12-13  14   15   16   17    18 

book 1:  00-04 

Art assets 18Titans: 01-02     03-04     05    06    07    08     09  10 


dari. lan

when will it be released?


I love you


I've uploaded the bughunt version today, so a day or three from now and I'll have the early access version ready.