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Post any suggestion or feedback in the comments :)



I don't have any suggestions so far, I'm waiting fist the next big animation. Feedback: I can only praise you the animations look great, Owen's and Amelia's models and fell look really good and fluffy. so I give 5 out of 5 stars ^^


I have a suggestion. I would ask you to add another kind of prelude to the next animation :)


I love your animations! Looking great! I love the romance and way they interacted with small murrs and body language is nicely conveyed! I also was glad to see humanoid genitalia. I suppose i am in the minority, but I like humanoid genitals on furries. Call me weird I guess XD


No real critiques on your art/animations so far, they're good and I'm sure they'll get better, not sure how tho, as far as suggestions for next animations goes I did like that intro with the bed from the last one, maybe expand on it with other furniture, a couch perhaps.


I became a patron only a month ago, but I am already very excited about your work and the incredible desire to create more and more high-quality projects. The models are made perfectly, the movement of the bodies, the anatomy, the fur, the interaction of the characters are all done at a high level. Your offer with clothes is just great, I will look forward to it. Good luck creating new scenes and models:)


Thank you! Yes, I am planning to make an intro for next animation :)


Yeah, I am not going to throw his previous "instrument" in the bin :D, I want to rework it to so that I can make two versions for the next video, one for each.


I just followed you here cause someone post up the animation you made on Twitter and that animation you made last December, just so hot~ ❤️ I hope to see your next big animation from the two couple again. I would love to see the male knot the female inside and maybe show an internal view of the male cum inside the female or something x3 but it’s up to you~ And keep up the sexy work you’re making~ ^w^


Do more first-person view, you can animate the same scene but but from the male and female perspective in two videos