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Welcome, VIP supporter of my community. Slowly but surely both of Lucy's stories are progressing. So far, you've had a chance to vote on certain things for our protagonist's story, but I haven't given you a chance to put your ideas into play yet. Here's your chance now. Write down the scenes you would like to see and I will make them part of the game.

- Write down whether you want to see this in the base game or in the farm version. Maybe in both.

- Write a short or even detailed outline for the event.

- If there's only a "tag" you'd like to see, write it to me.

- If you want to see a character (Appearance, personality, job title) describe that character to me and I will make it part of the world.

If you don't want others to see your idea, send me a private message.




Screenwriters, exercise your rights!...sorry... not that urgent... just kidding!


I received some ideas in a private message. If you have any more ideas, feel free to let me know here or by private message. The option is still open for all VIP members.