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Hello all!

I recently switched to the new Patreon payment option, which allows you to pledge at any time during the month and only be charged on that same day the next month.
Previously, it would have charged you on the 1st of the following month as well, but I figured this wasn't fair to you at all which is why I switched!

Because of this, the way I send links to new audios through DMs as they're completed has been messed up - I've attempted to contact Patreon to fix it but no reply yet.

Please bear with me as I work hard to fix this problem and come up with a solution.
If you haven't yet received a download link to the 'Lamia Loves Tasty Maidens' audio, please feel free to send me a DM about it and I will manually check your pledge and send the link!

I apologise again, Patreon did not make it clear that the Relationship Manager tool would be rendered unusable if I were to switch.



No worries, hope you get that sorted out. And I agree, they should've made it more clear that it would change the way you send out content.