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Happy New Year, everyone!

Thank you so much for all of your support, I have made great strides this year with my work and I didn't do it alone :) Everyone's love and encouragement has helped me more than they realise.

Following up on my announcement in November, I've now updated my pricing and Patreon Tiers, so please check to see that you're in the correct tier!
Some tiers have had the prices change AND the rewards associated.

Here's a quick rundown of the changes:

$1 TIER - (Tip jar)


Level 1 - Exclusive Content

Price increase. This is the same as the previous $2 tier.

Level 2 - Sneak Peek, WIPS
Price increase. This is the same as the previous $5 tier.

Level 3 - Art, Scripts & Audio Files
Price increase. This is the same as the previous $10 tier.

Level 4 - Content Downloads
The download link will change every month, and expire after 1 month.
You will receive all past audios, but not all future ones.
Anyone who purchased this tier before, will not receive any future audios through their old link.

Level 5 - Producer Credit

Sugar Daddy


Thank you everyone, here's to 2022, year of the tiger!
xoxo Oolay-Tiger



Happy New Year Oolay


Okay, good timing since I thought my yearly 2$ tier renewed