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Some info on the characters so far!

Our main character. Cherry is a foreign student of unknown origins, with an unusual accent, soft pleasant voice and a mysterious demeanor. She is currently attending her very first semester at Edward Teller  University (ETU).She’s got a goal in mind - to break away from her  old-fashioned and prudish upbringing, and cross everything off her  sexual ‘to-do’ list! There’s just one problem; she’s innocent,  inexperienced, and hasn’t even had her first kiss yet!

Alex is the male lead of the series, therefore he has a very important role.
Soft, gentle voice, with a hint of a stammer when he gets nervous. Soft-spoken and sensitive, he hates and avoids confrontation, but will stand up for his friends if pressed. When discussing a subject he is  passionate about, he will become extremely eager and chatty. As the series goes on, he will begin to engage in erotic scenarios, and while nervous at first will find himself enjoying these encounters.  

Mid 50s, part-time college professor and full-time  crack-pot. Rambling, mumbly voice with a tendency to talk quickly and  excitedly when his favorite subjects are brought up. Finds normal human conversation about most other topics to be a chore, and can be grumpy  and dismissive when he is forced to engage with others. Lots of  potential for techno-babble, so be ready to pronounce big scientific words that probably make no sense. Interesting accent to boot.

College freshman. Seductive and sexually-charged voice; the kind of voice that could make something like "Could you pass the salt?" sound erotic. A woman who thinks about sex almost constantly,  and is always on the prowl for her latest male conquest. Still, she is a  loyal and compassionate friend, and would never two-time on a current  lover or steal someone else's boyfriend. 

Female, 20 years, college resident assistant. Friendly, perky voice. Always ready to listen to other people's  problems, but can be tough and lay down the law when a dorm dispute requires it. Also a bit of a romantic, and likes to play matchmaker on a  regular basis. 

College freshman. Starts off as upset and tearful regarding her relationship with her boyfriend from high school, and  insecure about her own looks in comparison with other women. As the  character progresses, she and her boyfriend embrace an open  relationship, and her character becomes more self-assured and seductive.  She should sound slightly valley girl, preppy or 'popular'.

College freshman. Starts off as nervous regarding his  relationship with his girlfriend, and afraid that she might leave him  for another man. Once the two open up their relationship, he becomes  more confident and flirtatious.
He should sound like he works out, and is very attractive and confident.

College sophomore. An eager and unashamed pervert with a slimy, unappealing voice. Lots of heavy breathing and vulgar grunts. The kind of voice where you can almost hear the body odor. Spends most of his nights masturbating to various cam sites, and spends way too much money tipping his favorite models.  


Seth Richards

Huh, an open relationship that is portrayed in a positive light. We don't see that very often.