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I meant for this to be finished last month, but with my schedule and being out of the country for an entire month I never got around to it!
I wrote and voiced this, this is a WIP of just the pure voice before I get someone to spooky it up with sound effects and such - thank you Patrons, enjoy this sneak peek that no one else gets to hear!!


One by one, they march to my parlour

I gouge their eyes, tear their faces asunder

They stand agape, red gashes raked across their maws

They weep for now, but soon they’ll beg me for more

Bright crimson, so delightful, your blood dyes my claws

I may have you for tonight, but I’ll never be yours

For you see, dreary me, only ventures forth now

Once a year, shake in fear, for my Halloween prowl

I steel through the alleys, in the dank corners where it’s dusty

I make my nest, it’s my test, I wait for some fool to trust me

My voice, so sweet, so dark, so inviting

When I whisper your name, it’s futile to start fighting

I coo from the shadows, promise you pleasure and delight

But it’s not your manflesh that I’ll be feasting on tonight

It’s so nice, pumpkin spice, feel it devour every sense

The first bite, hold on tight, I feel your carcass tense

Bright crimson, so delightful, your blood dyes my claws

I may have you for tonight, but I’ll never be yours

For you see, dreary me, only ventures forth now

Once a year, shake in fear, for my Halloween prowl



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