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Hey sorry that things have been slow here. 

I've been tackling some extra work here and there and it unfortunately  it did cut into the time for the Requests, Poll, and the Comic.

How is the comic? Well it looks like its gonna be pretty lengthy for what it is, so that explains why its taking some time as well.

I'm sorry to everyone being kept waiting. I'm just one guy, and I gotta help myself stay alive and well on top of it all.

Hope you guys understand, and hope to have some work done this month.

Also hopefully the next poll will start next week.




best of luck in this endeavor ;) Looking forward to it! What's the premise?


It's no problem, and I hope everything is going well for you right now. Take the time you need, I figured it might be a bit of a wait since you've got several art projects going on right now.