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 Hello Everyone! Thank you very much for your endless support!~ The rewards for March have been sent for all those patrons with successful pledges! Please check your inbox ^^

I have some really important announcement for everyone! I have decided to move the release date of the project further to June 2017.

I know, it's really sad and some of you might be really disappointed! but please hear me out and bear with me >__<, I will dictate the reason of why i've decided to make this change.
  • One of the main reason that i wanted to extend the deadline is because i don't want to release a rushed game. i know you all have high expectations to this game and I want to meet those expectations. I've added more story based CG on the extra route of Aiden, Yoshinori and Taiga. and of course more sexy scenes as well.

  • There is also a noticeable quality improvement of my work starting from the beginning of this project until now, i want to have consistency on this project so i have remastered most of the previous artworks including all of the sprites art and CG
    Here is one example the first image is done during the beginning of the project and the other was remastered.


  • Additional background images were decided to add for the sub stories of Aiden, Taiga and Yoshinori. as well as additional music for their theme.

  • Getting back on the script to include the characters, Seto, Felix and Aiden. honestly, story and script writing is as time consuming as art >_<

And of course, all of these workload with only two people working on the art and story department, thus our workforce is not enough to meet the current deadline!

I'm really sorry for this change and i really hope you all understand! You have all means to be sad or disappointed, but i can assure to you that i will deliver an excellent game!

On the Patreon aspect, The Camp Buddy Patreon page will still continue. Reward points can still be accumulated until the release of the game. so that means more time for everyone to have an accumulated pledge of $200 for their Hard copy of the game! And also previous month rewards will still be available by pledging the highest tier. and i will also update the pledge tracker fo you to view your accumulated pledges. (Please don't forget to ask for your scout ID if you still haven't got it yet!)

But there's good news! The demo of the game will be released this month!(yes this one is sure, because we are only fixing minor bugs left.) It will already include voice acting, mini-game and some sexy fan-service!

Oh, one more thing! I will be looking for any Background artist and Background Musician out there! If you are, or know anyone who is willing to work for to do some background art and music please message me instantly with a sample of your work! it will really cut a huge time on my schedule and hasten the project! of course, we will compensate you accordingly!

Thank you so much for cooperation! i'm sorry again for the sudden changes! I know you all are excited, but i am as excited as you are to release this game!




I perfectly understand! And don't worry about having to push the date back. We know you want to make something thats amazing for all of us. And I personally don't mind waiting a bit longer for it. Cause I know it will be worth the wait.


^ Yes! Wow, i can really see the difference in the art. It must be troublesome to get back to all of the previous art. but i perfectly understand why you had to do it! I'm sure it will be worth the wait!


What about the previous CG set rewards that you distributed though? Would the people who subbed to them get the remastered version or must we pay again to get the new versions of the old CGs?


The CG rewards that were distributed were not affected by the remastering . Only Story based CG and sprites were affected since those were done first before the Sexy scenes.


good luck with work and i wish june month is the time we get camp buddy to play to enjoy on android and pc too


I love this game :3


Where is the reward sent??


Don't worry about that, I can understand how difficult to handle much work with such a few person, feel free to use your time, I can wait. BTW, It's very exciting to hear the demo will come out this month :D


It is inevitable that production will need to be pushed back to ensure the end-product is of sufficient quality. I'm sure every Patreon appreciates this and, tbh, it is heartening to see a developer take pride in their work. I want to echo Alva's sentiments and say that I am more than happy to wait for a more polished product. Keep up the good work.


Will everyone be able to access the demo?


I just got an email about my March rewards, but I didn't get any. Speaking of which, how can I access the previous rewards?

Alejo Morales

How much do I need to pay to buy the game?


Where do I find the rewards?


That's fine by me!!! Take all the time you need. This is good actually as now I'll have something to hold me over till Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age comes on in July!!!


Sigh, my fear kinda come true. Adding more routes will definitely lead to so much extra work that the game will be delayed QQ. Sob (Cry in corner) .


When the game comes out anyone who has donated at least $50 dollars over the months in either one donation or in accumulated donations like if you paid 25 dollars 1 month and 25 the next you will be able to get the game on release for free. I am not sure whether the price will be the same when the game goes on sale though. I hope that made sense.


If I pledge, the money will be immediately deducted from my account ?


Hello, It will not immediately deducted. it will be deducted at the end of the month. and it will give you an email confirmation


Mikkoukun please make Goro fuck everybody on a expasion pack if u ever doo it we need that big dick fucking them


Hi, I have little quiary although I'm not a patron, yet. Is CampBuddy sell only patron?


I think it is great that the maximum amount of content and polish can be added to the game, it is worth waiting for!


If I pledge more than 50 $ ?


Can I ask you something? There are more sexy CG in game? I afraid I will get all sexy CG from reward every month until game release. It will affect my decision to pledge. I want to get some CG from my play not my pledge (sexy scene mean spoiler in the same time)


There are definitely more CGs in the game that are not given out as pledge rewards. I definitely understand how you feel, not wanting to be spoiled or see everything, but don't worry, many great new CGs will be in the final game that no one has seen yet!


is there any sexy cg that involved aihara or felix on the game?


there will be sexy cg for aihara and felix right?


Do we get new CGs in the following months before July: the game release date?


i think we can dream to get this game, if he cant respect date ... february is the first date and now he say june... he just want get more money ...


guys wait and see what happen next afte that you can judge him