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Hey buddies! We're back with the July 2022 Poll - it's the summer season, and since it's so hot at Camp Buddy, the cast is pairing off into threes and finding new ways to 'cool off!'

Vote for your favorite trio below, and they'll be featured in a threesome reward set based on the theme listed! The trio with the most votes will be in the July 2022 rewards, so make sure and choose wisely, buddies!

The poll will end on Saturday, July 16th at 12:00 PM, the same day we send rewards, so make sure and vote before then, buddies!



We need past Goro X Aiden X Yoshi!


oh I'm always down for Yoichi/Taiga

Scout James

Please that Natsumi x Hunter x Keitaro can win. It's been a while for Hunter and Natsumi


we need another Taiga x Keitaro for his birthday

David Purss

Why did you have to make the poll so hard to pick one 😭


Choose past goro X aiden X Yoshi! Please!

Logan Leatherman

Oof! I’ve been wanting a 3-way between Yoichi, Keitaro, and Hiro since I first played Camp Buddy


PLEASE PICK THE POPSICLE ONEEEEEE!!!!!!!! (The pics would have lots of juicy sugary popsicles dripping) #yurimoment


Any chance that you might consider the second place choice for a future reward? 🙃 A lot of us have been waiting for Yoichirokei but I think Jintaichi might take the crown this time.