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Hey, buddies! As most of you know, we've been working hard on our next game, Camp Buddy: Scoutmaster's Season, and it's been coming along well, with lots of progress and exciting things we're sure you'll all enjoy on release!

Currently, like we mentioned in our last major progress update on our website, we are aiming to have the game released in the later half of 2021, and as such, we have carefully considered and will be changing the Patreon Rewards to One (1) Reward per Month for the time being. 

In addition to this change, we are also going to be temporarily removing the monthly poll in order to properly plan out the rewards in advance and maximize our time spent on development. We hope everyone can understand these changes, as we really want to make sure we can bring you the best version of Camp Buddy: Scoutmaster's Season this year for everyone to enjoy!

With these changes in mind, we have also decided to return the Patreon Collection Image Sets from the BLits Website to the Complete and Deluxe Tier, like we did for our Scoutmaster Body pillow rewards earlier in the year! The tiers will be as follows:

  • Basic ($10 USD) Tier - The Basic Sequences of the (1) Monthly Reward
  • Complete ($20 USD) Tier - The Complete Sequences of the (1) Monthly Reward and your choice of One (1) Bonus Set or Patreon Collection Image Sets from the BLits Website.
  • Deluxe ($40 USD) Tier -  The Complete Sequences of the (1) Monthly Reward and your choice of Two (2) Bonus Sets or Patreon Collection Image Sets from the BLits Website.

Please make sure and update your pledges to reflect these changes, buddies, and we'll be back with a reward preview for this month's reward as soon as we can - please note that it may be shown sometime next month, and thank you for your patience with us again!

Thanks as always for your support, buddies, and if you have any questions please feel free to send us a message here on Patreon!



David Purss

Totally understand. I know personally I'd like the game (don't get me wrong, the art is fantastic but I'm a gamer at heart) so I'm happy for change to help make the game. Now my problem is knowing what sets I have and what ones I don't 😂


Yeah its understandable, its better to not spread yourselves to thin. Looking forward to the new game also. Stay Safe guys :)


When will the original game be released in Spanish?


Hey when will the Scoutmaster Season DLC come out?