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Hey, buddies! The October 2020 Rewards have been sent to all eligible patrons, so please check your inbox for your respective rewards! We hope that everyone enjoyed the Spooky Rewards this year, and as a special surprise we've added the Kieran Moreno reward into the $10 USD (Basic Tier), as well as expanded the sequences in the $20 USD (Complete) Tier and above! We hope everyone enjoys this bonus, and had a Happy Halloween!

You can check out the poll results for the November 2020 Rewards soon today, as well as expect reward previews very soon as well! Thank you for your support buddies, and let us know if you have any questions!



Tairo Akitora

Mmm Skeleton Kieran is Sexy and Demon Taiga is... forgive the pun... Hawt as He({


Love the fluorescent/rainbow body paint look. Also the use of the tail was hot as well