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Hey, buddies! We're back with the first reward preview for the month, featuring Kieran Moreno! After seeing Taiga's barbarian paint, Kieran decided to try out some body paint for himself this spooky season, but with a twist - it's glow in the dark! Although this is a skeleton that nobody would mind haunting them...

Check out the alternate version on Mikkoukun's twitter!  

Since Kieran was the second place winner in this month's poll, he will be featured in the $20 USD (Complete Tier) and above with full sequences! The next reward preview will be for Taiga Akatora in his own spooky costume, so please stay tuned! 



David Purss

Can’t wait to a see all his bones



Tairo Akitora

Kieran is looking really HOT as a Skeleton. Can't wait to see what Taiga's gonna be this month.


Okay but why is this such a cool costume?

Artemis LA

Kieran is the sexiest skeleton ever 😍


so true


Ah Kieran sweetie, sexy as always even with a spooky scary skeleton body paint on his body ^_^

Tairo Akitora

Kieran makes a seriously sexy Skeleton boy. I'd Rattle his bones any day.


hopefully he will have skull make up as well that will be cool