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Hi, buddies! Our voting poll is now open again to decide which character will be featured for this month's batch of rewards!

Only the top three (3) characters are going to be selected for the rewards! You can vote more than one character, so cast your votes wisely! >w</ The poll will be up for five days only, so vote fast! 


As you may have noticed, we wanted to try something special with this month's poll, to prepare for the coming new year so we've included a new secret character you can vote for! If this character gets in the top 3, he will be 'leaked' as a CG Set reward!

For being fourth place, Yoshinori takes another spot in the poll this month, as mentioned in the extra rule from last month's poll! He's taking off his shirt just to get your votes! XD

Just like last month, the character who will end up in the fourth place will appear again on next month's poll!

Voting Ends on December 22, 2017, 11:59 PM UTC+8


We're also preparing a very special gift for all patrons, and even more bonus to those pledge above 30USD for the December 2017 rewards, to end this year perfectly!



I’d love to see more Felix~


More Felix!


Well let's see who is going to make it. I'm really hoping for Yoshinori though I'm not too optimistic that he is going to make it and Aiden. Other than that I'm torn between Felix and the secret character. Guess I'm going for the unknown for now ^^


Ichi... Is that you?


Okay, am I the only one who thinks the "secret character" looks suspiciously like Ichiru?The pose is almost the same as his pose in Bacchikoui, and the spike hair pattern is pretty similar too. Not to mention the build is almost identical. Given that he has appeared in the background of one of the CG's...could we have a crossover upon us? If this turns out to be true he can't be a solo.


It could be him but the silhouette is a bit skinny and the hair has a bit more spikes. It kinda throws me off but considering that he is in one of the backgrounds it is definitely possible ^^


Vote Félix guys ^^


Felix is last answer.

Sabrina Michelle Billones Grødal

Aiden and Yoshinori together &lt;3 Kinda looks like Ichiru but in the same not. Fangirled when I saw both Ichiru and Toshu on the background in the cantine/food hall etc &lt;3

Alejo Morales

Wait at moment the secrect Character its Ichiru? :o where is Masaru-Senpai? Jajajaja


Ichiru and Tofu &lt;3 <a href="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/bacchikoi-esp/images/c/c6/Ichiru_con_ropa_interior.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170423003826&amp;path-prefix=es" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/bacchikoi-esp/images/c/c6/Ichiru_con_ropa_interior.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170423003826&amp;path-prefix=es</a> ^^


Maybe we can see the Demo 3 at Christmas,or the final game,giggle!I believe that it well be a certain surprise!By the way,I am crazy about Hiro and Natsumi!


Is Yoshinori taking off his pants next time to get more votes if he gets fourth again? xD


Haha The silhouette does remind me of him xD but it's not ichiru xD


Felix got to beat aiden 😂😂


PLS Felix &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3 He is soooo cute ^-^