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Hello! October 2017 rewards have been sent! Please check your inbox for your respective rewards! 

For those who are wondering, Keitaro's animated video is still currently rendering and will be sent in a different message, so please stay tuned!


As a special present for everyone's support and for reaching our first anniversary, we'd like to give you these official Camp Buddy wallpapers! These are the CGs featured in the 2nd demo except these ones have different lighting effects for your viewing pleasure!

You can download the wallpapers here!

Also if you missed the first batch of wallpapers you can also download it here!

Anyway~ Have you guys played the demo of the game? If you haven't, you can go download it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/camp-buddy-game-14164679

Also, Have you guys checked out the latest major update?~ I'd love to know what you guys think: https://www.patreon.com/posts/major-progress-14737835


For those who are still asking, the rewards starting June 2017 onwards are Patreon-exclusive and will not be in the actual game. I've also decreased the number of rewards to give more time for the development of the game.

I want to remind the other patrons who haven't edited their pledge and still in the "no rewards" category. Especially those who are pledging more amount than the intended, please do edit your pledge to match the amount the tier you are on. >A<" 

Please be advised that you can change that and pledge to the rewards that you want and is equivalent to the amount you pay for so that it will be convenient for all of us!


Thank you so much for all for you support! I love you all! <3




I wonder , Yoichi , what dat mouth do?


Thanks to you for this amazing game, we all are waiting anxiously the final release! ❤️♡


Damn, I really wanted to see lil hunter in his kitty outfit... feels bad when I couldn’t afford the 60$ one anymore :(


Hunter is so unbelievably adorable! I like the two sets of facial expressions, the shy timid one, and the happy playful one! So cute! And I can't wait to see the full Keitaro animation, I can already tell it's going to be hot :3 And despite some of the back lash on the threesome, It is still very good, the quality is really good, as always. Also, thanks for including the first batch of wall papers, I did indeed miss them the first time, so Thank You for including them here!


Since December is next month and it’s christmas, can we have a redo of the hiro, yoichi, Nataumi threesome since that’s the one that got the biggest criticism? Just a thought for a Christmas gift in addition to whatever the polls are.


jack2089 i agree with you about hunter and keitoro but threesome i know yoichi will by bottom with natsumi i didn't know hiro will chill next to them actually poor hiro at least mikkoukun try his best to give us something good everyone make mistakes but the smart guy who fix his mistakes like mikkoukun


guys can you vote for goro , seto and eduard at least let's us give chance for every character to win


flannel and natsuinfire can you vote for Goro, seto and eduard pls


ive already vote for seto and eduard but i dont realy like goro so i dont know xD ( finally ive vote for goro because he have no solo cg like eduard :p)


thanks guys i know now i can count on you flannel and natsuinfire


flannel for me vote for edurad


he didn't get one solo cg


I already did vote for him :P ( still don't like him though xD)


i know you guys don't like goro and edurad but i want give them chance to win once at least


I would like a Spanish version: 3


since there are enough fans of Latin America and Spain who would like to have a great game in Spanish: 3


I hope an answer soon from the creator mikkoukun :)


when results come out ? i remember at 22/11 /2017


like u see the result is taiga, aihara(seto) and eduard :p after he just dont post a message about it :p


ok at least we got eduard win 😄😄


i don't see the poll after i vote for anyone i just wait the results


mikkoukun is the best and keitaro for me is the cutest thing :3


any idea when we are able to play the next set of the demo game???


i think the next its the full game. They dont annonce another demo.


So... any news about the game's development? I'm really curious.


Well the animation just went out, so hopefully the next update will be out soon.