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It's been a year ever since the Camp Buddy Patreon campaign launched, and we're here to give all of you an announcement regarding the progress of the game development! 

Please take the time to read everything! Hopefully this announcement answers most of the inquiries that you may have!


Animated R-18 Scenes

As announced before during the release of the second public demo, we now have animation for mostly all of the R-18 Scenes! There will be up to 55 Animated CG Scenes, and that's not including the expansion route! 

Check out few of the animated snippets! (Sorry! As much as we love to share everything, we have to save it for the actual game!):

Disclaimer: The animated images above does not represent the final animation. These are lowered in terms of quality (and the animation sequences are reduced) to make it compatible with Patreon's uploading criterias. 

Background Art

The background arts have increased from 12 to 20 sets, having a total of up to 90 variants so far. As we progress the story further, we've identified that there would be scenes that require specific backgrounds. So we had to adjust the number of the BG Arts! Below is one among the few background arts added into the game (A different angle of the beach area):

Sprite Art

  • Still 15 Characters, (10 of the characters contain 2 poses each, and up to 10 costumes on each pose)
  • In addition to the unfinished 'costume set', there are certain sprite costumes that were added such as 'Casual' wear and some other extra additions.
  • Naked Sprites now have 'Hard' Versions!

Interface Design

As seen on the second public demo, there are plenty of GUI that were already implemented, leaving only the Gallery and Secret Gallery to be designed! We've also got some cool animated transitions to show the time of the day!



Disclaimer: The animated images above does not represent the final minigame. These are lowered in terms of quality to make it compatible with Patreon's uploading criterias, as well as unfinalized dialogues and reactions for the characters.  

The minigame was reconceptualized to be fitting more for an adult game! This was made possible through the collaboration of Jey and Yvnar!

This new minigame acts as a foreplay scene between Keitaro and the pursued character before they engage to their hot and steamy animated sex scenes! Take control of the character's actions and 'turn them on' to make sure they'll have a great time together! Get to know your partner more and learn what actions he prefers to be done on a certain body part!


On a side note, 8 in-game days have been completely programmed so far. We haven't been able to move it further forward due to the story still under progress. However, we can guarantee that the implementation of the story into the program will be much shorter than the storywriting process

The second public playable demo is completed. Please check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/14164679



We are currently working on Hiro's route first. We are currently at 8 out of 16 in-game days just for Hiro's route.

We've estimated previously that the second arc of the game might contain up to 10 in-game days only. But as we have developed the story, it turns out that each character route would need up to 16 instead. So this adds more workload to our team. 

Due to the additional workload, our team has needed additional help with storywriting and we now have Jey to help us out with this process! Once Hiro route completes, writing up the other character routes will be in a lot faster pace, since few of the scenes would be resembling events from Hiro's route!

Like mentioned on the previous major announcement, it consumes up to four days to complete writing one in-game day. Our team will still be heavily focusing on the storywriting process until it is fully completed.

It is ultimately necessary to finish the story/script first in order to determine the remaining workload in the other aspects of the game (like if there are more CGs/Sprites/Music/Voices needed)



Voice Acting

Voice actors cast for Camp Buddy have been finalized (including some of the characters that have been recasted the past few months):

  • Kiba Walker - Keitaro, Yoshinori
  • Dave Soltura - Hiro, Yoichi
  • Dempster Lee - Natsumi
  • Kolton Nation - Hunter, Seto
  • Domfrost - Taiga
  • Impabito - Goro
  • Sean Chiplock - Aiden
  • Kawtsuki - Yuri, Lee
  • Avery Rhett - Felix
  • Steve Nunez - Eduard

Music (BGM and Main Theme)

  • 30 Original Soundtracks so far composed by Mimi Neko and MYM
  • The Singer role for the Main Theme has been recasted to TechniKen!
  • The Singer role for the Alternative Main Theme has been given to Kiba Walker!

Opening Animation

Our team has also finally given the role for video animation to WhiteCharisma! Hopefully we will have an opening theme publicly released after a month, so please stay tuned for that!



Congratulations to all of us for reaching one year of success for the Camp Buddy Patreon Page! We've prepared a number of amazing events this month, including:

  • Anniversary Special Poll
  • A New Set of Free Camp Buddy Wallpapers to all Patrons
  • And more exciting announcements!

Please stay tuned with these events within this month!



BLits is now a team of five (5) people so far, we would like to show the distribution of the workload:

Mikkoukun + Zamius

  • Storywriting (Plot / Dialogues)
  • Scriptwriting for Programmer (Used for coding)
  • Art (CGs, Sprites, Backgrounds)
  • Interface Design
  • Beta Testing
  • Promotion / Social Media

We work 8 to 12 hours a day, 5-6 days a week to make sure the game always moves forward.


  • Coding / Programming and Beta Testing 
  • Storywriting  (Plot / Dialogues) 
  • Proofreading
  • Promotion / Social Media 


  • Animation
  • Coding / Programming


  • Technical Work (File extraction, miscellaneous tasks)
  • Merchandise  / Physical items production

Outsource (Commissioned Contributors)

  • Voice Acting
  • Music
  • Sound Effects
  • Opening Animation
  • Accounting


Thank you very much for reading through this announcement, and we hope that we answered many of your questions! 

We are getting closer and closer towards the completion of the development! We're sure that all of you are anticipating and have been waiting for so long, especially that it has taken officially a year ever since the campaign begun!


We are trying our best to have this game released within this year 2017. However, we cannot promise this completely as well, as we do not want any of you to be disappointed, and we would prefer to deliver this game at the best quality we can achieve it, rather than rushing it for the sake of it to be released at an earlier date. 


Thank you so much for one full year of support from all of you, especially to all our dear patrons! We couldn't have gone this far with the development without all of your love for this game! We will definitely keep doing our best, and we can guarantee that this game will be delivered with the best output we can achieve!

Lots of love <3,

-BLits Team




Good update. It will be worth the wait. Things look so great thus far. Things have come a long way since the visual novel was announced a year ago.


It's great to hear that the game is moving along steadily and the quality looks amazing ^^ As for whether the game gets release within this year or not I think quality should matter more than rushing it so I will wait for it as long as it may take. ^^


Here's looking forward to release day! I'm glad this isn't just getting shoved out the door the minute it works. (Think a certain Microsoft product ;P )


Thanks for the update i been tracking the progress but i must say i am still impress at the current level the game is moving forward. I know it may take a while but the fact that there are so many routes i rather wait for a well developed one than a rush one. Keep up the hard work guys i would still continue to track the progress until completion :D.


Happy to see both Zamius and you working hard! I was sad to see Zamius stop his Patreon but Camp Buddy looks amazing. Keep it up

Sabrina Michelle Billones Grødal

Wow you guys are working extremly hard! Hope you guys take very good care of your health too ^^ Btw just wondering, is it possible that we can enable/unenable the animated sex scenes or is it permanently animated? :)


"Still 15 Characters" hmmm.... what's so special about this mystery 15th character that we haven't seen them yet? The new direction for the mini-game looks fun, though, I do worry that during the more serious/intimate scenes, it may take us out of the moment to suddenly be thrown into a mini-game, are they only in select scenes, or is it optional? Toggle it on and off? Hmmm, hard to say until we see how it is implemented. 16 days per character route instead of 10? Yes please! Even if it does mean I will have to wait until sometime next year to finally see it, I will happily wait for better longer content! "Naked Sprites now have 'Hard' Versions!" As they should! I would have figured this would have been standard procedure for this kind of game XD Keep up the great work! Looking forward to hearing these "more exciting announcements!"


I agree, I would like the minigames to be optional, in Bacchikoi they where a little bit of a bother.


Thank you! All of us are well and as energetic to work as ever! You cannot disable the animations sex scene in-game but you can view un-animated sequences in the gallery


Hehe~ Zamius stopped his patreon so that he wont get stressed out over the workload that he will be taking.


Thank you! Everyone deserved to get a update once in a while! &gt;w&lt;


gambareh! great work &amp; thx for update. cant wait to see what the special anniversary poll be~ ^^


Excited &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


Grat work, i'm so exited for the official version. Do you have an idea for the release date ?


Mini-game look interesting, I follow your patreon since the Camp Buddy Patreon campaign launched I feel unbelievable, it is a long time, I check everyday for a update. Although feel sad that I can't know a release date but I can bare it. Good to hear that you have good team, each one have some hard work to do, I cheer you up guy. I am waiting for the next update and ANNIVERSARY EVENTS


Hello, I was wondering if the voices will remain in English only or will they have Japanese voices as well??


Hello,I'm here to ask if the "Full Game" will be free,Hoping that it will be free &gt;.


Your hopes are waaaaayyy too high , but I won't stop you from hoping.


is there a posibilty of a dlc/expansion of camp buddy after the game is release like Bacchikoi?


so where do you buy game from ?