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December was a pretty busy month so i couldnt make the poll again during this month, i am sorry, but things will be back to normal in january, heres the poll again ❤️

Leave your desired characters or ideas here it will be put in polls for lower tiers to vote soon, all you have to do is give me interesting ideas you'd like me to draw, it can be more than one, and the idea that gets the most votes will be drawn!

Here are some rules!

  • Any characters are allowed, unless it is a real person.
  • Ideas shouldn't have more than 3 characters
  • Be specific while describing your idea!
  • You can ask for more than just one idea

To participate just comment in this post

The poll will be posted on january 8th, you have until the 8th to think about your ideas and comment here!



My idea will beeee ! Quinn kissing Shyvana armpits c:


armipt pls armipt