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I'm loving what we've planned out! The Reputation system is just nice and will allow to *force* the player to adapt to different situations he will create, the new animation looks great (once again) and we've greatly increased our efforts to get new scenes ready sooner and a lot of new monsters and dungeons. 

Also, we've laid out the story paths for our girls in this new act and hoho, you WILL enjoy it.

Download Links (v0.20.00) 


  • Added 🐂Neneko on Oxen 🐂ANIMATION!
  • Improved NSFW animation play loop and sound effects
  • Added Faction Menu to check your Reputation with the many factions in Nekohole
  • Reputation system refined. Your reputation with kobolds and dwarves may drop if you fight them on the overworld map but will revert back to 0 if you go rest for a while in the Plateau (the area you begin Act II in). If you attack them in their strongholds your Reputation will be decreased for good, though (I'll soon add items that will let you get pardoned)!
  • Resting in the Plateau will now restore dwarven/kobold units and barricades outside their strongholds
  • Language system refined. There are now 3 different languages: Common, Dwarven and Hole Language! I'll soon add tomes/way to read unknown languages (besides the already present Owl Relic)
  • Added Ruina first scene as you enter her throne room
  • Added Kobolds first scene as you enter Plump Tail village
  • Added 🦎Plump Tail🦎 CG
  • Added 2 new Relics: Manacle Compass and Swift Relic
  • Added 🗝️Sharp Dwarven Key🗝️ weapon
  • Abandoned Tunnels is now open and can be explored for its first half
  • Some maps now correctly suppress external BGS (like rain)
  • Reworked Neneko attack sprites
  • Reworked Lina sprites
  • Reworked Kobold NPCs sprites
  • Added Kobold Elite archers around Stratum I
  • Fixed Stratum I overworld maps fog and ambient light on map load
  • Fixed impossible jump in Oktomite Nest
  • Fixed Tidal Menace quest not completing correctly
  • Fixed wrong portrait being called during some of Abigail's "Screeches", after her transformation
  • Fixed Neneko no-clipping after the End City Bath "exposition" scene
  • Fixed Neneko no-clipping after being damaged during certain events (as while using Lures)
  • Various bugs and performance issues solved


  • Fixed "The Swarm" quest not proceeding as nests failed to spawn
  • "The Swarm" nests now only spawn in East and West Wilds of the Surface Stratum
  • Fixed "Missing Crops" quest not proceeding once you enter in the Warehouse at night


  • Upon entering a "Lili" cave, Neneko will immediately be given the Relic equip slots she's supposed to have if her Mana Res. drops after she loses the ability to equip certain pieces of armor and weapons. Minute Lili will be assigned to the first relic slot, if removed in the process.



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