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This is so smooth, I'm loving the stage we've reached so much... I'd say we can finally call ACT I complete. I'm fully satisfied with the content, the routes, and the NSFW parts. More than 40 CGs for just the first section of the game is definitely good! We'll end up adding 1-2 more for secondary NPCs, but that's it, for now!

Of course, fixes and optimizations can and will happen until they're not needed anymore!

Stay tuned for the first playable builds for ACT II, which will be available only on Patreon!

🌟UNLOCKED v0.15.08 (with Cheats)🌟

Download Links (v0.15.05)

Download this one if you have trouble updating .00!

Windows (with auto-updater)

Download Links (v0.15.00)

Windows (with auto-updater)
macOS (no auto-updater)
Linux (no auto-updater)


  • 3rd and final Neneko exposition scene added!
  • Enemies won't throw themselves in deep pits just to follow the cute Neneko around. The same happens when they're attacking
  • Enemies will now jump away from Neneko not depending on the distance between them, but only if the colliders touch each other
  • Nightshade Relic can now be equipped in the normal Relic slot (instead of the Deep Relic one)
  • Fixed time in End City progressing before the lost Necklace is found, during the intro.
  • Enemies standing on higher ground will now ignore and/or disengage the player if the height difference is too high
  • Monster nests now correctly decrease the number of monsters they spawn if they're over their allowed limit
  • Melmos now won't respawn forever, but 3 times only (except in Kaere's basement)
  • Neneko can't jump while mid-air anymore
  • Feather Relic now grants the ability to jump mid-air up to 5 times!
  • Refusing to Nap for X hours presenting the choice again
  • Added more Patron "Last Will" items that will drop from monsters around the Hole (3 new teams of 4 Patrons have been added) 39/40 TEAMS ARE READY!
  • Fixes and adjustments all around End City


  • Fixed missing Belladonna sprites, which returned being a problem thanks to my dumbness
  • Edited exploding doors' sprite name (Abyss Lift), so that it shouldn't cause issues anymore


  • Fixed missing Oxen sprites during Shina NSFW scene
  • Fixed Kanako scene in blood maid's room playing again upon re-entering it
  • Fixed getting stuck between boxes in End City's warehouse
  • Fixed Neneko being able to pass through impassable tiles right after being hit


  • Final Patron "Last Will" added 40/40 TEAMS ARE READY!
  • Fixed wrong distance calculations when the camera is at 45/135/225/315 degrees
  • Fixed Shina in bath dialogues showing "Anzu" in the dialogue box sometimes
  • Disabled keyboard commands in the introduction of the fight against the flock of bats during the intro


  • Ring are now treated as a special category of armor, can be equipped also while Lili-sized
  • Improved and reworked attack/hitboxes calculations
  • Fixed Map view being called while the transfer is ongoing, causing visual bugs
  • Fixed enemies disengaging constantly Neneko as soon as she steps on a platform (caused the maid in the Blood Manor's dungeon to recover her HPs almost continuously)
  • Fixed Kanako having debug health (1HP, lol)
  • Fixed Sproutos fixing their direction after their first attack
  • Fixed leaping from the Library's platform getting Neneko stuck
  • Fixed toggling OFF the HP bar also hiding the status icon until their next update


  • Fixed Cantina Key disappearing after replaying Anzu scene (play it again if you've already met the bug and you'll get the Key back)
  • Mana Poppies (during windy nights) now work properly as Sproutos nests (each flower can spawn 1 zombie at a time)
  • Hungry Manacles are now getting sold in Kaere's shop and Anemone's Bloom
  • Cucco remains now appear where it was killed, allowing to complete its quest if taken after getting rid of it

If the model doesn't work after updating you can download this and this, and place them into the "models" folder.

  • Fixed Cucco in its nest being killable in one hit if attacked before its "roar" ended
  • Fixed Cucco wonky leap directions with rotated camera angles
  • Fixed "FutaRelic" missing image
  • Fixed entering the Cantina for the first time from the "Lili passage" after Anzu is gone bugging Neneko's size, making her unable to leave the room.

v0.15.07 (testing out updates on this and UNLOCKED build):

  • Fixed some buggy dig points
  • Fixed one lamp near the open-air bath giving infinite "Steelhead" fish


  • Shina X Oxen NSFW scenes now also unlock CGs 45~48 (night version)
  • Added icon for Anzu lingerie
  • Reworked Kanako and Abigail assets
  • [UNLOCKED build only] Cheats can now also be used to toggle Abigail's form
  • [UNLOCKED build only] Cheats can now also be used to toggle Abigail, Emma, O-Megumi, Lina, Anemone, Nou, and Kanako dressed/lingerie/naked portraits




Is your game directory placed somewhere you can write?

Ethan Tucker

having troubles starting it, i download it and it registers and internet explorer, how do i fix that?


Try to describe what's happening. Are you starting the game from the Game.exe file?

Ethan Tucker

I’ll download it and try to start it, but the download registers itself as a internet explorer file and when I start it I can’t even start it because it’s not a .zip file for me to start it, I downloaded it again and tried starting it but the only thing that pops up is “view and track your downloads” I have options to open and save it, I try and open it, but nothing seems to happen, when I save and open it takes me to internet explorer, and there is no game.exe for me to access it


You have to unpack it first! Use 7Zip, Winrar or whatever supports .rar files!


hey i have a loading error failed to load: img /sumrndmDde/atuoupdate/blackground.png


As pointed out, if that error happens, downloading the .05 build and using that should prevent it!


i`ve download both the 15.05 and 15.00 it`s the same on both


You're right, I've tried moving around the plugins at it seems to be fixed, though! Now the updater runs before the preloading, and I could update .00 to .06 without errors. Reuploading both .00 and .05 in a bit