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(Nevermind the fog and the pink "Xs" I use to mark the buildings I've already dealt with)
It has been a fruitful couple of days!

The 4 main girls' whereabouts can now be tracked perfectly (as long as you've met them at least once) and now there's a useful pointer to their general direction when they're outside your map!
Also, there are already the first 4 extra NPCs that have their own schedule to follow! 

It will be useful to learn how life in End City changes during the day: merchants come and go from their shops, farmers return from the fields during the afternoon to sell their crops, guards have their shifts...

I've spent some time on improving performances too. While the western part of town (mainly) and the western wilderness (secondly) are still the heavier maps of the bunch, a lot has been done to make sure the game runs fine even on less-than-powerful machines.

You'll be able, between the many options, to customize the render distance too. That's a real deal-breaker in large open maps.

More will be done as the plugin we use gets refined and as the maps' content gets optimized and trimmed. That's at the moment my main concern with NekoHole 💪




Can't wait for a playable release 😁