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Stats explained!

  • Strength

> Damage inflicted with physical attacks
Moving heavy objects

  • Toughness

> Resistance to any source of physical damage (falls / enemy attacks...)

  • Intellect

> Damage inflicted with special abilities
Deciphering scrolls and more brain-y stuff 

  • Mana Res.:

> Resistance to any source of non-physical damage
> Resistance to the Hole
Maximum "Relic" equipment slots

  • Agility

Sensibly better dodges
Faster at getting up after being hit-climbing-crawling
> Resistance to fall damages

  • Luck:  

Sensibly better drops
Higher critical hit %

Stats will be really important, and their distribution will heavily vary between different playable characters. Neneko starts at: 

Level 1 (max 5)

  • Strength: 6
  • Toughness: 4
  • Intellect: 3
  • Mana Res.: 4
  • Agility: 7
  • Luck: 5

She also has a starting Relic equipped on herself (we'll get to Relics soon):

  • Mother's Necklace

Strength: -1

Toughness: +1

Maybe someone didn't want her to get hurt?

Relics aren't treated like normal pieces of equipment, they're cursed items you won't be able to remove without special conditions.

A weak character able to equip an additional Relic will have a crazily high increase to its potential, you'll see what I've got planned!



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