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Howdy y’all! As noted in the last post there will be some changes to my Patreon Tiers overall, some things I need your help for too, atleast for the Sketch Request Tier Holders.

I decided to delay these changes till February; I will have a small hiatus due to a planned vacation trip, and during that month I can make the necessary changes without worrying too much about the potential impact for ya’ll. If a double payment does happen I will have enough time to make the desired sketch as planned. The February change is also because letting you know like 1 week in advance is kinda in bad tast .w.;;

As there will be a price increase for Tier 3 (from € 12,50,- to 15,- - and some small changes in the Terms of Service, which can be found down below) you will need to act at a certain point:

Step 1: At the end of January, I will add another updated Sketch Request Tier (this will be noted in the description). I request all the Tier 3 patrons to move from the 12,50,- priced tier to the 15,- priced tier when that happens. This will most likely be done on Sunday, January 28th.

Step 2: The original Sketch Request Tier will become unpublished, this will be done before the March Billing Cycle. This will happen on February 16th to give you enough time to act.

!! This doesn’t mean you won’t get billed, as apparently for unpublished tiers a patron is still charged, just the same amount of the tier. Sketch Request Tier Patrons will need to actively switch from the 12,50,- priced tier to the 15,- priced tier!!

Step 3: If at any point you notice something not going right, I’m happy to think with you; such as refunding the tier for that month (in the case of a double payment) or to up-scale the request to something of the same monetary value (you get an extra character added/ more detail).

Gotta make sure it’s worth y’all’s bucks uwu

Changes in the Terms of Service:

  • Background elements are no longer a standard due to the extra work it adds: the requests focus on the character in question (which can still be whomever you want; existing, oc, fursona etc.)
  • I will publish a list of do’s and don’t’s, which I hadn’t done before .w.;; Luckily enough y’all have been really chill and know what to ask and what not, but just for future reference. This list will be published at the start of January, just to have some peace of mind.
  • Level of detail is always a hot point; if I see something as “too detailed” for a sketch, I will inform you as the request-y and work out what can be simplified and what not.
  • (I will publish a graphic for all these guidelines, just so it will pop more. Can’t stand long text posts personally).

TLDR: I will increase the price for the sketch Request during a February Hiatus to mitigate possible problems, the Sketch Request TOS is changed a bit and hopefully this transition is without too many issues.

Anyways; love y'all, have a great end of 2023 and start of 2024~!! I'll be back in January with Assorted Father Figures.


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