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This was kinda ‘A long time coming’; as most of you have noticed, I don’t draw a whole lot at the moment. I kinda lost motivation, resulting in more hiatuses to take it easy and try finding my passion for it again, but it doesn’t have the desired effect. I keep trying to 'just create' but it feels kinda wrong.

Due to this, and some other life things happening (though actually all of it being really positive) I’ve decided to stop this Patreon indefinitely; I’ll see if I ever wanna start it again.

Your spots, especially for those on the request tier, will stay yours, but you won't be charged until I open up shop again, whenever that happens. I think everything will be archived after a while, so if you like a piece alot; save it, you've got my blessing (always had -w-;;).

This has been a really lifechanging and positive experience, but if I can’t give my all, I don’t wanna charge y’all. I’m gonna take it easy for the coming months, maybe posting one finished piece a month and see if I can find joy in drawing beefy dudes again.

The rewards for this month will still be made and posted, and y’all can still see all the stuff, but half of August I’ll unpublish this page.

Thanks for everything, the request message will be send shortly, and let’s give it everything we’ve got for one last time. Afterwards it’s my own journey to finding fun in this specific aspect of my life again.

(All of this sounds way more dramatic than it is, I’m doing great otherwise, no need to worry .w.;;)


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