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Happy November Loves ♡

If you like to hear me ramble then this is for youuuuuuuuu

If it aint broke, don't fix it ha... more AITA posts and be warned as there's a little R word (all in context of course)

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🎧 [Bonus Exclusive] [F4A] Podcast 012 - More 'AITA?' Posts Discussions [SFW-ish] [Casual Chat] [Advice] [Update] [Sex Talk] [Its My Birthday Month!] [AITA] 🎧

I would love to know your thoughts below!!

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Allure x




Was a great listen Allure, I really like these AITA post reads/chats. Also, Go Sasha get her, make Allure pet you! You are the real star. 🤭 Thanks for filling in for Sasha, Allure. 😘


Listening to you here is like one of those experiences where you encounter someone out of the blue who takes your breath away by chiming with your world view, and you realise there ARE wonderful good-hearted people on this planet who just make you feel better by the time you go to sleep than you felt when you woke up that day. Does that make sense? It’s a rare gift you have and I now can’t imagine life without the boost I get deep in my soul from your positive messages in their various forms. Thanks and thanks again ❤️