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Happy Septembaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah 🍂

Another AITA posts talk through... because... why not? I really enjoy having a good chat with you all. Though I will say a couple of them today are a little more on the heavy side of topics... so a little caution. I start off with a thought I had heard that's been playing on my mind about value and worth... and these material things we all chase after. As always, I love hearing your thoughts, mwah! Also I might be a teeeeency bit hyper as I'm back on the caffeine sauce after a while :D

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🎧 [Bonus Exclusive] [F4A] Podcast 010 - More 'AITA?' Posts Discussions + A little thought I wanted to share [SFW] [Casual Chat] [Advice] [Update] [AITA] [Caffeine Overdose?] 🎧

I would normally list posts mentioned as I have previously, but I've since learned links to the 'R' website are flagged and not allowed here. So... you can find them on that particular site if you'd like :D

I would love to know your thoughts below!!

Previous podcasts:

Allure x




Wow, where to start! You handled a few bear traps really well, especially the arranged marriage issue. You’re brave to talk about that; my own view is split between ‘live and let live’ regarding other cultures and big opposition to anyone being pressured to share a life with an unchosen partner. The last AITA was complex - I felt that woven into the issue was a man wanting to control a woman, because (you’re so right) I would run away from such a lazy taker, so why did he want to marry her after ‘fixing’ her? Warning bell about his motivation in my opinion. Now, about caffeine, I had to give it up for my health (except for chocolate!) and as your insatiable(!) admirer I hope you can find a healthier way to pep yourself up at night, because excess caffeine ain’t no good long term in my understanding - of course, it’s your decision 😊 Really love listening to your wisdom and fair-mindedness, and truth be told, every time you utter the fourth word of AITA I get a caffeine-free buzz 😂 Thanks for all you do ❤️


First off. My first listen to an Allure podcast and... gonna be listening to the rest ❤️. Second, you don't like coffee?! Blasphemy!! 😱 Kidding, I know it's not for everyone, just means more coffee for me. Okay the arranged marriage one and not consummating, that one hit me hard... I know not exactly the same, but I had a partner tell me months into dating they are Asexual, would feel so utterly wrong to push sex onto someone. That women in the story, should definitely not be pressured into having sex! No matter the religious background. There is no grey area in my mind on that topic. Anyways... thanks as always for the good listen Allure ❤️