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Hi Loves!

I really don't mean to blindside you at all with this, but as you know this is my job now and I have to find the best way to make you happy and ensure that I am happy too :D

So... I had a consultation last night with a very knowledgeable person within the NSFW audio space, and have made some changes to how I will do things.

Everything is explained within the audio above detailing my reasons why, so I encourage you to listen to that... but if you'd like a breakdown written out... here it is:

1. F4F content will be an occasional thing going forward. August is the last month that Premium audios will be flipped.

2. Content will no longer be separated into 'Fsub', 'GFE' and 'Gentle Fdom' - instead there will be:  'Charmed [2 Audios]' & 'Allured [3 Audios + Early Access].

3. 'Charmed' Tier will remain (as this has the most subscribers currently) and Beguiled and Enthralled tiers will be deleted at the end of September. This is strategic as there were just too many confusing tiers with the same price. Going forward, the Charmed tier will include the same volume of 2 audios that will be voted for by you.  - Please switch to Charmed tier ending next month if you belong to Beguiled/Enthralled and wish to continue your membership If you don't switch, Patreon will still charge you and you will be asked to pick a tier that is available.

3. It had been my intention to make much more YouTube SFW content going forward but that's changed to just occasional audios whenever I can.

Next month's audios have already been voted upon so no tiers will be deleted until the end of September.

I hope this all makes sense, please listen to the audio for clarification and let me know if you have any questions.

EDIT: I've been asked about the effect on the higher tiers like Allured, Captivated, Bewitched etc, these will not be deleted and will have the changes highlighted above. The only tiers to be deleted will be Beguiled and Enthralled.

Big Kiss,




Just some Fish

Yay for dirty little brain. :D And no, I like hearing a bit of how the sausage is made. It's interesting. Everything is interesting. Glad you did not have an actual panic attack. So, it wasn't mentioned - Tempted tier (which specifies Gentle FDom).. goes? rolled into Intrigued? GENTLE FDOB! I honestly had no issue with the different tiers and thought the labelling was perfectly fine. Oh well. :D And we love that you love it. :)


Completely understand where you’re coming from Allure, what ever works for you and benefits you. We are all wishing you great success and that you flourish and thrive with this as your new full time job. 🫶🏻🫶🏻 the deleting of some tiers and the changes to other triers is understandable. do what ever you feel most comfortable doing, as always sending my love and best wishes your way hun. Hope you are having a lovely Friday, so excited for you and what’s to come.


So the previous Gentle Fdom audios will be available in the Allured Tier. This is the only way I could do it without deleting all 3 and starting a new tier. Obviously going forward 'Charmed' will be a mix of everything and whatever you guys vote most popular ♡