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For my third podcast, we are talking through some 'Am I The Asshole?' posts and I give my opinion :D

Posts mentioned:

AITA for demanding my girlfriend tells me her author’s pen name? 

AITA for insulting my friends girlfriend for a good reason? (since removed)

AITA for letting my roommate starve? 

I would love to know your thoughts below!! :D

Previous podcasts:

Allure x




¿Allure is going full time? Might be wise to buckle up! The last of the AITA is a horrible situation to be in. Stories like these are the reason I’ve never wanted to have flatemates. Anyway, love these types of audios ☺️


1. Hurrah for your career decision ;-) 2. Hope you soothe that cough/sore throat soon x 3. Agree with you about those arseholes (never thought I say such a thing to you out loud lol) - I can't believe these people who think they can control/judge others in this way, especially when intruding in other people's relationships. As for #3 story, agree 100% that J the terrible flatmate is a premier league arsehole - probably treated like a princess by parents. Get her out or flee! 4. Agree with Joshua - these pods are really nice. We get to know you better... and you really are a stellar humane being. I could listen to you day and night x 5. Girls' night in... mmm... bring it on :-)