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UPDATE: We recently passed $6,000!!! Thank you SO much to everyone who donated :D Our hearts are full and our smiles are beaming!!

Hello Loves!

It is officially the season of giving [sexy suggestive eyebrow raise]... and in that spirit, a wonderful group of creators and I, have teamed up for an extra special collab! We are raising money for a nonprofit organisation that is dedicated to abolishing medical debt and freeing communities from financial burden! More details on this brilliant charity, below.

This is a cause that is very close to my heart... (by sheer luck) I had the privilege of growing up in a country where medical bills were not even on my radar... the benefits of a National Health system. But moving abroad as an adult, I experienced the other end of the spectrum. I had a health issue, with no insurance, and was not yet eligible for National Health. I was so lucky that my issue was minor, but it really opened my eyes to what millions of people go through every single day. The healthcare systems in place to take care of us are charging astronomical amounts of money that the average person and family cannot afford to pay.  That's why this charity is so important.

RIP Medical Debt: is a nonprofit organization dedicated to abolishing medical debt and freeing communities from stress and financial burden.
Every $100 donated relieves $10,000 in medical debt. The charity has relieved 7 billion dollars worth of medical debt for over 4 million families and counting!!

What you receive for your donation: There are two packages available: Nice ($5+) and Naughty ($15+).

Nice ($5+):  

  • SFW Collab Art
  • FFFFF4M Audio
  • FFFFF4A Audio (gender neutral)
  • Thank You File

Naughty ($15+):  

  • SFW Collab Art
  • NSFW Collab Art
  • FFFFF4M Audio
  • FFFFF4A Audio (gender neutral)
  • Thank You File
  • Blooper Reel

100% of proceeds will be donated to charity. Please feel free to donate more than $15 if you're feeling generous and want an extra special fuzzy feeling, as donations are not capped. 

Our goal is $2,500 so it would be incredible if we could reach that!! This collab audio will only be available for a limited time, and will not be made public after the fundraiser ends, so get it while it's hot!!

CLICK on your preferred link below, to donate and receive your collab package!

Nice ($5+) Collab Package Link 

Naughty ($15+) Collab Package Link 

The Collab Team:

Performers - u/LucydDreamWithMe, u/Audio_Allure, u/v_silvermoon, u/Listen_to_my_voice, & u/SnakeySmut

Script Written By - u/LateStageInfernalism

Audio Edited by - u/MyAuralFixation

Art by - @/Illustracoss

It's worth noting that we have each donated our time, efforts and money putting this spicy collab together, so please consider this when deciding your donation amount β™‘

Enjoyed the audio and looking for a place to leave feedback? Please comment your reviews below, for the performers, writer and editor to see :D

Want to help us meet our donation goal? Share this collab link with your friends or on your NSFW social media with the hashtag #AnyPussyInAStorm ;)

Proof of donation will be updated in this post and on u/LucydDreamWithMe's Reddit profile, once the campaign has concluded.

For regular updates on our donation goal, follow my Twitter!! All retweets help!

Thanks in advance and the happiest of holidays to you and your loved ones,

Allure x




Fantabadoozy collab - well done, and a great cause. But of course, your sexy dulcet tones are the best... right off the Richter scale :-) x


PS - greatttt art too - even the SFW one is sexyyyyyy