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[Bonus Exclusive] [F4A] Podcast 001 - Relationships, Love & Attraction [SFW] [Rambly] [Advice?] [Topic of Discussion] [Sasha Trying To Get Attention] [Food For Thought]

I thought I would start a podcast series for those who like more behind-the-scenes content, on things that interest me. Kicking off with a teeny window in to a topic that everyone has an opinion on... Love, Relationships and Attraction.

I would love to know your thoughts below :D

Allure x




This was really wonderful to listen, i was reflecting on some things while i was listening and i am 100% with you on the confidence and just being yourself is super hot, because it shows that this person is not scared of who he is. :D Another aspect what makes a person attractive for me is when the partner or someone knew that i have met is able to take responsibilities and by that i mean the ability to respond and not to react. It is really easy in any relationship to react once you get triggered, but if are able to respond with your heart this is really attractive. At the end of the day it just shows that you are emotional mature and you are not acting out of your impulses. Greetings :)


yes, I totally agree! I think sometimes during arguments we aren't actually listening to the other person and instead, just waiting for our turn to talk. Slowing things down and responding is so attractive. Everybody wants to feel like they are understood :)

Dude Guy

I absolutely love this. The rambley, raw aspect is really nice. I totally agree confidence is super attractive but also I find being shy and and a little timid can be affective as well in its own sort of “I wanna make them see what I see” kinda way. This was an awesome concept and hope to see (or should I say hear) more sometime.