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I'm trying to find a more stylized direction for the comic :u because if I do the illustrations in my normal style it is going to take months to make a few pages (I already have sketched 22 pages) :U, and I want to do another style besides the one I already have to explore more things :3 (different shapes/proportions/color/line art)with time it will be more stylized and better but for now I think is a good start, what do you think? ●ᴥ● obviously I was just testing the characters, but later i ll upload some others stuff with backgrounds :p




Okay this style is adorable! I totally love it, and now I'm really looking forward to your comic ❤️


I think this looks great! It’s especially suited to a comic, actually. To be clear, your usual style is my absolute favorite ABDL artwork of all. However I can totally understand how it be a ton of work for an entire comic… and I really do like this new style as well :)


It's very cute


Thx :3! Yes, it would take so much time to do a comic in the usual style xd but Happy that you liked it too :3