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Hi everyone!

Well, as you know the last months I had to stop, the feeling of hopeless invaded me at that point that I just gave up, although I'm better now, it won't be the same anymore, the world is changing incredibly fast, this constant feeling of void didn't allow me to keep doing day after day. Knowing that the thing to love the most  will be automatized, it doesn't matter if what IA generates is art or not, even what I do, for me, is not art, not because it is a kink theme haha, but because for me that titles "art" "artist" is so big and important. Yes! Everyone can be an artist because of our creative nature, but you need certain skills to express it, skills that need years of practice, thousands of hours to reach that point. That's for me, surely you have a completely different concept about it. But this, this is not about what is art o not, if what I do is art, or what and IA produces is art.

During this month's I have seen how this technology thanks to the redirect of NVIDIA efforts did some years ago since the launch of the RTX series, focuses in AI development to accelerate this area without precedents, (I can't imagine how it's going to evolve with the newest series rtx 4000 that doubles the rtx 3000 in everything: s)  not only because of it was the fast improve of the results in the AI camp, but because of the indiscriminately use of images from the best photographers, painters, 2d/3d artist, the more I know about the process, functioning, the potential and the impact of it, the less I have the willing to keep doing my stuff, knowing that in the future it will have 0 value not just monetary but the personal value that everyone can put in every piece.

Waking up every day with this feeling, fuck up my mental and physic health, I stopped going to the gym, and I stopped to talk with others, because the people or don't know about it (AI camp)or just because they take this technology as a joke or meme, and is understandable. But almost all my life was like that, and I don't want to get back to that hole, so I decided to get another job meanwhile and so it was(it is not a great thing but is something xD), simply I can't stand like this, thinking  that maybe tomorrow, the next month or year will end, but don't worry I will still here but with some changes, now that I have no the time I had before :u.

Before I mention the changes let me give and opinion about what coming next, just take as an opinion of someone that always have been pretty pessimist/materialist person and with a bad English :U haha, during all this time, webs, socials, forums, it has been plaguing of these prompts, not only it helps to the IA to improve over the time, but the people will normalize it, people without knowing it was made by plagiarism, they will keep reposting this, or just joining to the trending, it will cause a devaluation of the visual art through the time, it doesn't matter if it was created by an AI or human, what happens when something is produces in mass cause every person have access to produce it? Yes!  It will affect the value!

What was originally created to "democratize the art x,D" giving the option for everyone to create your own illustrations, comics,3d art and animations in the next years too, creating your fav characters from different medias, or bring to life your DND character, once it saturated the media/market, it will lose the charming about it, nobody will care about your histories/comics/ illustrations anymore, when 5-year-old kid can do it too anyway xD, everyone to not be able to differentiate between AI Prompts and human art it will devaluate  both of them without precedents, in the industry, the small/medium projects will start using this technology, and once again will be saturated the media, (like the current state that  is saturated in every medium, 1000 series per livestream platform, 100 movies per year, 10000 games per year xD) Now imagine what will happen using this tech.

The big and named companies will adopt this tech year later, they will continue working with artist, but slowly they will need to adapt to the production rate of every other companies, just working with the most skilled people out there, leaving all the medium artist without opportunities, stopping the cycle of new artist, just the people that can afford studying, practice art without worrying about earn something meanwhile will be the only that will keep, yes! There will be always a need of human direction/management on every project, but the job offer will be incredibly small, per se it has always been poorly paid xD(understandable, art is not necessary for the surviving or the day-to-day of the people) now the payment will worse.

Even if I'm seeing a hopeless future, every one of us can still do something :p, just by learning more about this new tech, the pros/cons, how it can improve our lives, how should we handle it, what will be the implications, make your own opinion, even if my personal view of this is pretty negative because it affects my being, the narrative I built the last years, but surely this technology  will be the greatest revolution of the history, it will have some many great things if it is in the correct hands, for now we have to raise awareness and understand it, only this way we can give a better use of it, and not the use is currently given.

Maybe then it will give more time to this transition, so the people who live from this can adapt, creating laws that regulate the current companies/tech like Stable Diffusion, Dall-e, Mid-Journey etc. selling their product, using products from others without consent and remuneration, so they can generate this technology ethically, but eventually it will replace the human part of it, but at least the transition time will be longer, giving more options.

Though all of this I feel, that platforms like Patreon, will be one of the ways to keep living doing art, in the next years while this dystopia is happening, I think the art can preserve in this little communities, communities generated before all this crazy times xD, people that still understand what art requires, thousands of hours of practice and want to support it, people that generated emotional bonds and wants to keep them and believe that art still have stories to tell, and feelings to express.

And about my Patreon, (all this changes will be temporally, at least for 2023, I need to see how all this is going to evolve, I can't just have one money entry, well... not in this one that its so uncertain right now, depending on how the laws/industries/people/tech change during the next year or more.)since i m going to have less time, the main change from now will be the commissions, sadly i ll close the commissions indefinitely, it normally takes 30-40% of the total time here, so yep, this one had to stop, both new drawings that I added during this year,  the one from the less popular characters from the pool that I picked, and the one from the extra suggestion and the extra outfit (overalls).

So because the most affected tiers were Llama (6.5 USD) and Bear (5 USD) ill merge both in one, the new bear will contain everything from the old bear and llama. Llama will be only a tip, it won't offer anything more that bear, is just in case you still want to support a little more :p, but you can change from llama to bear anytime, with that I can maintain the price with bear, by adding the things from llama. Tiers badger/Bunny will keep the same, because both of them will keep receiving the same content, anyway Below there is a jpg. is how new rewards will be, In case I didn't explain well before :U. I'm just going to add the process of every illustration and the psd, to verify i m not a bot "bee-boo-boo-bop"

I had some time, and with that I was planned to add more content here, but with the work most of them will be in Stan by, but with the little time left i ll practice my skills by my own while I save some money to take online curses with top artist out there :p, so I can get better, and offer a better pieces :p I think that's another way to survive through all this crazy times  xd, I know, only by drawing you can improve, but with real practice, you can improve faster.

Feel free to share your thoughts/feelings about this or the AI :P, i ll post more things in my socials later about it, to raise awareness ;D I think everyone should do it, not only artist.

Here are some links about all this things ;p yep, They are longs haha, but you can listen them while doing other things xd. thx for reading this, maybe my english is not good enough to explain this situation in a good way But at least with these links you can understand better what is going on.


A conversation between some artist/pros, with different positions towards it, :P is always nice to see different points of view.


some context: karla ortiz, one of the best artist out there( i know her by the magic the gathering cards xd, but she has work in ubisoft, and universal studios, she is the one leadearing this. i just share the link in case you want to know more about it(Concept Art Association)



Another conversation about the copyright issues.



This one don't need a presentation :v just by the tittle you can see it haha



A view of what is happening in socials and media (during the first half of the video) from people outside art communities :p



Just a link to the most popular portfolio website, where the most insane high skilled artist post their works of movies/series/video games/etc. that sadly now is plagued with AI prompts, an insult to all these decades of work to get where they are, after read the post you can see how the front page of the web now is full of a protest movement :p.



This is a short one, but deeply, it is hard to explain, but the last 10 seconds of the video is how I feel.



Thank you everyone for support me here :p, to make a dream come true I'll never tire of saying thanks haha,  sry about all this months withouth any new content, but since january i ll start again ;D merry christmas and happy new year 2023!




Definitely gonna remain a patreon, cause I love your art.


Human art > AI art Simple as. 👏