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"Living doing art" are words that many if not almost everyone would think impossible but are some few cases that can surpass those obstacles/circumstances and reach that point.maybe because they come from a rich/privilige family or already estabished art family or many things you want to think about circunstance that round the person. thats how everyone incluiding me think about living by doing music, drawing, singing would be near impossible.

Since i was a kid i always love to draw, playing with clay, i could do it for hours without worry about even eat or sleeping, i really enjoy every aspect of it, both process and the final result,as the years wen by you star realizing that art have to be for almost everyone only a hobby, you cant spend thousends of hours in something that you cant know if is going to help or have some utilies you in the future(from a capitalist system). well even knowing this, i kept practicing my skills and improving, during classes that i dont really liked at school (most of them xD) or at least doing fanart, sometimes at home knowing that it will never take me to a "succesfull life"

As cliche as it going to sound but is what it is; art for me was always a way to scape from a life that i didnt want to live, i could imagine so many things, and create worlds with it, ive never feel like a was a part of society, mainly because i have some autistic aspects, i've never developed social skills, for me interact with people always have been pretty exhaustive at the end, trying to understand what people want to really say based of her corporal language or the way they say something etc, the effort that i have to put in every conversation, with time i learned how to be and what people want to heard, maybe now is not as exhaust as it was at school.

Due to it, i was always a very quiet/shy person, everyone always know me as the kid that doesn't talk to everyone at school and with all my relatives was not a exception, this was a kind of buckle. Other ways that i used to ignore/scapefrom this are videogames, i always though that would be like a final goal to work in some of them, it would be awasome. Blizzard in their golden age was the maximum goal for every artist out there sadly not anymore (if you know what i talking about), but here we are again that is nearly impossible even for someone from the third world, so i just kept doing my normal doing some studies and works but everything changed when the pandemic started.

During this time i was studing and working but always drawing when i had time, ive never stop it even knowing that it would be imposible to live doing it just like a hobby that i really like more that anythingonce covid started, i stop assist to classes (yes, virtual too) i felt like it was a waste of time, and the more the virus spread well...well we all know what start happening, many lost our works, during this time i started posting the abdl pics in twitter and the others socials, just with the hope that maybe i could do some money while i find others jobs and incredible for me it works.  for everyone that is reading this thank you. with tears while i write it, i deeply thank you for make a dream come true.

Finally i was doing some money of the thing that i like the most in my life and i could do it until my last breath, these years have been the most happy years of my life thank to you, the people that support me here in patreon month after month,and the people that commission me i really have in debt to everyone of you.Since started this project i know this would have a end it some point, but i've never thought it would be like this, knowing that your work, and the work from all the artist around the world are being stolen without permission to being replay in s shorter period of time without any retribution and any legal actions is breaking me, yes i m talking about "AI".

Maybe we have seen some scenes of robots replicaiting art in movies/series, like in "I, robot" when Sonny draws in a few seconds a increible piece, everyone incluiding me thougth that robots or in our case AI would never replace a human in the art theme,but how wrong we were about it, i m not here to talk about the philosophical/moral/ethical/legal aspect, i ' m here to talk about the pragmatic implications this is going to have in the near future.

Since 10 years of more when all this AI things started, i thought well, it certainly is going to replace human factor but it would be maybe in hundred of years maybe more (?), but in only 10 years we have seen the way how it has evolved , in a way that anyone never would expect, not even a 1%, now here we are, in a time when sometimes you can't distinguish if it was made by a human or IA, yes in only 10 years we passed from a horrendous lines in black and white to a complex images, yes there still have a lot of difference between them, but there will be a time when you cant distinguish anymore, and that time is closer what we thought it would be.

knowing about this new technology what we can expect? well i dont want to sounds pretty pessimist but i think we are in the last years when people had the opportunity to study/practice or in some few cases live doing it, yes art always will be there,but not in the scope for everyone,  the industry is going to replace slowy the artists behind the movies/series, instead of having maybe 10-20 concept artist that have to work some days to give some options of the clothing, props etc, its going to only need maybe 5% in the best of the cases of those artist, just a few working hand a hand with the IA. same will be for designers, and illustrator.

As for most people out of the industries saying that new technologies replace and create new jobs, sry but this is not the case,we are not in the 1800s with the camera, when the traditional art and cameras have coexist since then, or when photoshop or others similar apps, democratizing the art, giving more opportunities to new people to have a chance in this pretty competitive world, we are in a gates of something that's is going to replace the human factor, yes is going to be a tool for now and for the near years, once this tool have recollected the enough STOLEN images, you will be no necessary anymore, just a few top artist leading this AI will be the reaming, for the rest of us, the people that have been 1-4 years or more you will be replace in a near future, unless you can reach the skill level of an art director or top artist in the next 10 years or less.

This tears my heart apart guys,I can't even describe how helpless i ' m feeling since some month ago, as you know i having problems to fulfill my schedule here in patreon and commissions, This was not only of external causes like my pc died, and i had to replace waiting until the parts arrives, but it's because i fall in depression state, when i dont even have the willing to get out of the bed,do not misunderstanding, i still enjoy drawing, but i having extremely difficult time to get reasons to do something, to start a drawing,even to get out of the house, during these months i lost the passion about everything, knowing that the thing that i love the most and thought it would be impossible to live of, now is have a time limit, until it would be not sustainable anymore, knowing that the one of only few things that i enjoy is going to do disappear.

i had to say it, i've never like to share anything about me or my personal life in socials o here in patreon,i dont even have personal socials since some years ago, the last one was "whats up" but i ended eliminated it too some months ago,but i ' m not here to talk about socials and how dangerous are, i'm here because you like what what i doing and want to support me, and i had to say something about the state of patreon and commissions. and the reasons why i having the delays submitting the posts, dont worry i ll start doing the streams that i had to do it the last month with the extra s drawing from them and the extra suggestion, and star working for the drawings for this month, in case i can't complete everything i'll not charge the next month until i finish everything, i know the last month hurt my financials, and the patreon state but i can't do anything about it, and in case i have to pause the next month too it will hurt even more, but i prefer to do everything you paid for, before postpone more things and the down the quality of the patreon.



I'm sorry to hear that Andy, its never easy to to break out of that mental blockade plaguing your mind. Know that you have my support.


Sorry to hear that you're not doing well. For what it's worth I believe that no matter how developed AI generated artwork becomes, there will always be an audience for traditional human created artwork, in much the same way people still want freshly cooked fine food over processed fast food. At the very least it'll include me, as I will always commit to commissioning and supporting the artists I enjoy because on some level I care about them as people. Though the market for artists may shrink within the next 10 years or so, there will always be a place for traditional art and the artists that create it as long as there's a creative need to be satisfy. <3