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Hi everyone! ;D well this is Neon the one i picked from the polls xD she has a sick design as usual in riot xD so that's why haha i chose her, while a finish it, may i ask you somethings about the streams, do you want that i pick the 2nd and the last one from each poll or do you want to request a new ones during it, or maybe the 2nd and 3rd one xd.

and something else 🤔, i said each month I would be doing a r4ffle, (i can't even write it haha )patreon do not allow it, even if i do it discord or other media, so instead of that i'll do a suggestion post, where you can write which characters want with any pose/outfit and some props, it will be with a flat background or a very simple background, i'll choose one of them ;D, the winner can share the drawing 2 weeks later in any media ;p




As far as characters in suggestion streams go, I think letting people suggest again works. It'd let people ask for multiple characters a month. Maybe a character that wouldn't stand a chance in the polls would be suggested in a stream and get drawn. Only problem I can see is if the suggestions that win being suggested by people who won a poll as well. Might want to consider that when picking too. And yeah, did warn you about the raffles 😅 but that solution works pretty similar to one.


haha but i choose the one depending on the design, or how well fits on the abdl theme, or the idea of whatever the character is doing sound funny or is an interesting one, as at last resort haha maybe it would be a suggestion like that but putting them after in a poll like the other ones


Goddamn this is really good. <3


If you're gonna draw something cool, then making this into a full piece would be perfect. Neon is bae. ,3