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They both are my OCs ;D, they are from the comic, as you can see, Aurora is extremely cute and  innocent girl that loves to collects plushies ;D haha they 4 favorite are Sr bear, Roger(the bunny), sleepy(the badger) and Naya (Llama), she is very shy and always tries to go unnoticed :p. And Dasha is very caring and compassionate with others ;D triying to make sure that other people are well and happy, but dont mess with her (⸌﹏⸍) she has a very very bad humor if you annoy her she even knows muay thai ༼つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Well it is a lot of lore here in this pic haha, but i'll explain in the comic or you can ask me anyways ;D, Yes! even the plushies have the own backstory 0=




Cuties! <3