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looking for recommendations for where they should go next

info about traditional outfits, culture, food that could be used in a sexual situation would be very helpful



blaine riggs

So glad I fallowed you do Norwegian, BLM and Russia


Japan has festival specifically for Penis. Kanamara Matsuri. The make penis shrines and sell phallic mercy like dick lollipops. Could also try Hawai’i. Traditionally, men wore a Lava Lava which is just a sarong around their waist pretty much. I’m my family, you either grew tall and strong or short and fat. There was no in between. Could be funny to see the different size men, pitching tents. And you know what they say about Pineapple making your cum sweet haha

blaine riggs

Festival of Ostara (Eostre), the Spring Goddess. This is a festival of renewal, rejoicing and fertility, although for most of the Northern People, the forces of Winter are still at full sway. In ancient times, the gift of colored eggs to one's friends and loved ones was a way of wishing them well for the coming season; a magical ritual of prosperity and fecundity. The rabbit was the symbol of this festival as well because of it's re-emergence during this season, and for its reproductive ability. These two rituals have survived into the modern holiday of Easter (which derives its name from Eostre) as Easter eggs and the Easter bunny. Like most ancient heathen rituals, they are relegated into the world of children; held for naught among adults; but the race memory lingers on.