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Hello patrons! Something kind of funky these upcoming months. I was planning on visiting my fiance overseas for a month, but because of blocked out flight dates and spiked prices, the cheapest flight package I could find makes the trip 6 weeks, which is great for us to spend more time together, but a bit hectic for my patreon content since I don't want to take away time from Mr. Soupyeel's own work on his computer. I need to get ahead of the curve in terms of work as a result, which means the usual suggestions boxes and monthly polls will be turned into something different for September. Changes below!

September 2022 

I have two sketches for poses down and will be making YCH-style boxes for both on separate posts shortly. For each drawing I will pick from suggestions directly, and then use the remaining suggestions to create polls for two more drawings. So the month's content will look like this: 

  • Drawing 1: YCH #1 Pose
  • Drawing 2: YCH #2 Pose
  • Drawing 3: Pre-selected Trainer Interviews
  • Drawing 4: Poll Winner #1
  • Drawing 5: Poll Winner #2 (Bonus Drawing)

The polls will run on the first week of September!

October 2022

October is a little simpler, simply revisiting some previous suggestions. I'll get back in time to run a poll for $12 patrons though!

  • Drawing 1: Suggestion from 2022
  • Drawing 2: Second placer from 2022 poll, chosen at random
  • Drawing 3: Trainer Interviews (threesome with the Backers duo trainers)
  • Drawing 4: My choice (probably Morty 3 for Halloween)
  • Drawing 5: Poll Winner (Bonus Drawing)

Thanks for understanding guys! It's a lot of work but I'll have some time to work on it during the trip, so everything should be delivered on time!



Enjoy your time with your fiance!


Thank you! ^^


Looks like a fun plan!