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Hey patrons! I am kinda back from vacation, though not at full capacity. On the last days of vacation I was in close contact with someone with covid, so to protect those in my household I am currently self-isolating in a hotel room. It didn't help that I caught a stomach bug the day I started self-isolating, but I've been testing negative for covid, so at least there's that.

Regardless, I haven't been able to get much work done, either because I've been nauseating over a bin or because this hotel room doesn't have a proper desk to draw at. I should still finish this month's drawings if I keep to a tight schedule as soon as I get back home, especially since I've got some sketches done on paper and have a WIP in the wings already. I'll keep you guys updated, in the meantime I'll have the polls rolling out today!



I hope you’re ok! Please don’t overwork yourself!! ❤️


Feel better soon and take the time to recover!