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This month we've got some Gym Leaders up for selection! Mostly fueled by  my playing HGSS for the first time while I was away this week. Double voting power for you lads!



HG was my favorite Pokemon game! (I say as I vote for Kabu)


It's weird cause I actually don't remember any of the leaders?? Except Clair and Lance who made me realize I was bi cksnfjfj


Might be because the level curve is so low you just run over all the gyms. Except Morty, who against all odds, landed every one of his hypnosis after two smoke screens. I was sweating


Was he one of the Elite 4? I remember one of them gave me trouble. Mostly I just got it cause Gold was my first pokemans game on my cousin's GBC so it had the nostalgia factor + nicer graphics and mechanics. Gotta fire it up again one of these days...