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Masters of the Air Part Three Full TV Reaction!!


David Lengyel

There's so much ambiguity about the reaction. I am excited that you're watching but also hate when it mess you up like that. I guess that makes is great in a way. If you're into reading, here's a report from the mission which includes newspaper articles, pictures from the people who lived through it. The detail captured in the show is amazing. https://100thbg.com/mission/?mission_id=22


I watched the episode before you had posted the full episode viewing, but as soon as I saw the mission map and the briefing mentioned Schweinfurt and Regensburg, I knew this was going to be rough episode. Sadly, the Schweinfurt raid - even though they did extensive damage to the ball bearing plant - had almost zero impact on German production since they had tens of thousands of bearings in warehouses across Germany. There would be a 2nd attempt at the plant when it came back on line in October 43 with the same results; a lot of lost planes with not much overall impact. Things pretty much remain until Jimmy Doolittle is given command of 8th AF in January 44 and begins making major changes in the tactics used. I'm very curious if we stay with the bombers for Big Week, or if this is when we start seeing the fighter pilots perspective