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Batman Full Reaction


Mike Bridges

Most people don't like this Era of Batman but I absolutely love this Era it's my favorite Batman movies I encourage you guys to watch the other 3 films from this Era. Great reaction ❤️❤️


Batman had been in theatres prior to this: two movie serials in the 1940's (essentially tv shows before tv) and the first feature length Batman film was a spin-off of the 1960's tv show starring Adam West. The 60's show was very campy and colorful. Akin to something like Naked Gun where the world is completely absurd but all the characters take it very seriously. The first season + film in particular are wonderfully hilarious and for the time were the most faithful superhero adaptations (many episodes were directly adapting or lifting elments from Batman issues). Batman '89 was the first big budget adaptations of the character on the big screen. At the time it was seen as a rejection of the campy 60's show and a serious Hollywood take on the property. The 60's show unfortunately became a punching bag for being a comedy and not "real Batman" ( it only got reevalutated in the last 15 years or so). Looking back on it, it's kinda wild that this was seen as "serious", especially after the Nolan trilogy. It's completely wild and has lots of humour. But there is a pathos to Keaton's Batman. He's a very different take on the character. Tim Burton wasn't a comic book fan and his research on the character was limited. Producer Michael Uslan lend him the first 12 issues or so from the 1930's (pre-Robin and pre-the "no-kill" rule) so the 30's gangster world of the film comes from that. There's a few nods to the then current comics (Martha Wayne's pearl necklace shattering comes from Frank Miller's 1986 milestone comic The Dark Knight Returns) but essentially Burton films are there own thing, more influenced by classic cinema (especially horror) than the comics themselves. Thnk I'll stop now, there's a lot to talk about this film. I'll finish on a minor note. The movie continuously has Kim Basinger losing /discarding her shoes because Keaton and her are the same height (about 5 feet 9) so she would be taller than him with her heels on.

Ricardo Alanis

I grew up with this Batman and as I get older I appreciate Nicholson’s performance even more. I still love Batman Forever and my wife loves Batman & Robin for the sheer campiness.