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It's A Wonderful Life (1946) First Time Watching! Full Movie Reaction!!


David W.

Can you believe that this film was NOT hotly received until many years later? The director allegedly made this to combat THOSE WACKY GODLESS COMMUNISTS but wasn’t it the christian spirit that oh-so-muchly helped America win wwii on their fronts, to begin with? 😅

Marcus Cato

If it gives Daniel some closure, there is an SNL skit where they realize it was Potter that stole the money and they all gang up on him to kick his ass! 😂


Haha, I remember that skit! Need to go watch it now 😄

Erwin Quiachon

I remember Coppola telling the story of how he and George Lucas wanted Capra to direct "Tucker" for them before he died. Capra wouldn't do it because he was depressed by the way Tucker was beaten down by the Big Three. Coppola couldn't convince Capra that Tucker was a real life George Bailey who had a huge impact on the auto industry and saving the lives of millions of people despite having his company taken away from him.

Erwin Quiachon

I also remember Capra's son saying that there was an alternate ending that had Potter die by the Angel of Death for trying to screw George, but they cut that out because it killed the buzz of the good vibes at the ending.


I just watched this recently as an adult too, what an incredible film! When Harry toasts George at the end, that really got me. I think the first time I teared up with tears of joy. Also in a way, George does defeat Potter. He has family, friends, and a whole town who care about him. Can't say the same for Potter.

Tim Raths

The actress who played Mary (Donna Reed) played softball in high school and she could throw the ball with accuracy. The scene at the beginning when they were throwing rocks at the abandoned house, Donna Reed hit the window on the very first try.

Robert Boyd

What can you say about this film? It’s one of the great, great movies of American cinema. I’m glad you guys went in knowing nothing about it because it made your reaction so much more authentic. I always try to watch this movie around Christmas because the holidays can be stressful, which I think is true for a lot of people, so it gives me a chance to stop and reflect on life. Perhaps that is why it became a Christmas classic. But it’s true, one can watch it anytime of the year and still feel it’s brilliance. The part that always breaks me is when George finds the copy of Tom Sawyer and Clarence’s note reads: “George: Remember no man is a failure who has friends. Thanks for the wings.” Very true indeed. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Odd Thomas

Other good Christmas films: Klaus, Miracle on 34th Street (1947), Fred Claus

Odd Thomas

These older films aren't afraid to go dark before earning a happy ending. These days films just concentrate on the sugary Hallmark side with very little darkness at all and that's why they fail.


When you think of Potter going home to an empty house on Xmas I can't think of him winning. This movie isn't about George beating Potter. It's about George saving every one from Potter.


Miracle on 34th Street, It's a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol with Alastair Sim (1951) are my trifecta of classic Christmas movies.

Jeff Mills

Love this movie. I think the best way to describe it is “A Christmas Carol” meets “The Twilight Zone”.

Mike the Ginger

Wiping away the tears. Me too. Great Christmas flick!

Jeremy Garner

I watch this every year on Christmas Eve (and cry at the end everytime) so when I saw this pop up here, I waited. Remember, no man is a failure who has friends. Merry Christmas to all 😁