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Tee Grant

Seems like ages since we watched sopranos lmao that 1 episode last week went by too fast haha

ShadowVessel π

Sweeet, The Long Kiss Goodnight is friggin awesome. Definitely my favorite Geena Davis role

Odd Thomas

I don't think I've ever been so excited for a reaction! The Long Kiss Goodnight is one of THE best action movies of the 90s! Harlin and Davis also made Cutthroat Island which to this day I don't understand the hate. It's a great pirate movie (and no CGI!)

Donna Castellano

Yeah I've only seen that episode twice. And I had to force myself to watch it the second time.

christopher brown

looking forward to more 44mag action with Harry


I want some gabbagool!


I've always really enjoyed The Sopranos from the beginning, but it wasn't until season 3 when I started wondering if it was gonna become one of my favorite TV series. An amazing season! Ended up becoming my favorite TV series.

Jeffrey Miller

I just remembered a major event that happens in the first two episodes of season 3 of the Sopranos that I can't wait to see you guys react to! Again first time watching, but I did acquire some knowledge through cultural osmosis.

Marcus Cato

I think Livia's wake is one of the best scenes. And a great group performance.


I know, right? Read another soft spoiler in this thread about a scene that happens later this season. What is it with some ppl in here who just can't wait to discuss before the episodes are uploaded? Spoils the fun for everyone else. Smh..


Dude, you're soft spoiling. Delete this post.

Tim Raths

Daniel and Sam, It would be in your best interest to not read anymore comments on here because there are spoilers.

Robert Boyd

I love The Long Kiss Goodnight. Great, underrated movie


Yeah, seriously. Why can’t they friggin wait until the episode has been uploaded and mention it there?…. Someone in here posted a spoiler that happens a few episodes from now, which has since been deleted. Hopefully they didn’t read it. See what happens when people don’t want to wait?


Thank you, Tim! Not expanding the comments above this one lol We are not always ahead! We haven't watched any movies for this week yet :)But I appreciate the excitement! -Sam

Marcus Cato

Excellent point. I've been trying to point out that the spoilers are out of control for the Sopranos. I'm sure they have seen the movies by the time of the weekly upcoming posts, but for a TV show it's getting to be a problem.

Miles E Coburn

So, so happy to see you two return to the Dirty Harry series! In my opinion the first 3, "Dirty Harry", "Magnum Force", and "The Enforcer" are the best in the series.

Odd Thomas

I love The Dead Pool, but probably for the same reasons you hate it, lol

Jeffrey Miller

'The Long Kiss Goodnight' is super fun!