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Cobra Kai Season 5 Episode 7 'Bad Eggs' Full TV Reaction!!



You guys.... These guys....... I love you guys. 🥲


Funny story: I was about to watch your Once Upon A Time in Hollywood reaction... then I got the email notification for this. Well played, TBR Schmitt.


Had just left for work when you uploaded these so going to be a fair while before I get to watch but I'm super looking forward to it


One of the things I loved about this episode is when Kenny shut Kyler up. Kyler really needs someone to knock some sense into him. And the whole thing with attacking the Sensei when he wasn't ready for it we're talking about someone who's only been training for a year and someone who is a complete clown being asked to fight a master sensei. You have to win any way you can. Kenny leaves Cobra Kai Kenny's gonna probably be cool and realize what a jerk he was. Cults do that to you, and when you leave, you realize how wrong you really were. Kyler leaves Cobra Kai he's still gonna be an ahole.


LOL it was so satisfying! I think it's been clear since the beginning that we are not Kyler fans haha Kyler was definitely an asshole before Cobra Kai and will probably be after -Sam