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Clue (1985) First Time Watching! Full Movie Reaction!!



What you've got to understand about Clue is that when it played in theaters, it didn't have all three endings strung together like this. Instead theaters were all sent one ending at random, so people who went to see it in different places got different solutions to the mystery, and it took major effort for anyone to see all three versions.


Such an epic trolling of the audience. Can you imagine people trying to compare notes at the time and the confusion thinking they were each getting it wrong? :)


I THOUGHT I was going to bed, until my Patreon notification informed me I was now staying up to watch TBR & Samantha enjoy one of the all-time greatest movies for the first time. I watched this so many times as a kid. Tim Curry gives a legendary performance. So many quotable lines and amazing character actors. Everyone's got their favorite, it's kind of like your zodiac sign. Personally I'm either a Wadsworth or a Ms. Scarlet.


Well, you did better than me watching for the first time. I had no clue (haha) who did what :D

Mr. Writhms

Here are 3 other murder mystery comedies that are pretty good: "Murder By Death" (1976) "Manhattan Murder Mystery" (1993) "Deathtrap" (1982) I would say MURDER BY DEATH is most like Clue. It has an all-star cast, including Eileen Brennan-- the lady who played Mrs. Peacock in Clue.


100% agree with you. I saw this at least 100 times as a kid. Can quote the whole movie (I'm sure most superfans can). So glad they got to enjoy this cult classic.


Oh my gosh, I was ridiculously excited for this! I have seen this so often that I can almost quote it verbatim, and it is one of the movies that my family quotes most often, especially the “Flames….on the side of my face….” bit. 😆 Yes, you definitely need to watch it again. This is one of the best ensemble casts ever. So great.

Jason Dolan

You have to feel good about yourselves that you did get the Scarlett ending at least! Wait until you get to Klingon Christopher Lloyd in Star Trek III If you ever do the Star Treks, you can skip the first and just do 2,3 & 4... that's the trilogy

Jason Dolan

KNIVES OUT is technically listed as a comedy/crime/drama on IMDB


Me & my brother watched this movie and Beetlejuice over and over and over all summer when we were kids! Why? Don’t know, don’t care. We just loved them. So glad you both enjoyed it too! :)


For real fun, they should go back to The Thin Man series of the 1930s, which are still some of the greatest detective comedies ever made.

Mr. Writhms

Yikes, I forgot Peter Sellers is made up to play a Chinese detective in "Murder By Death" So... Yeah it may not have aged well for the times.


There's so many people that need to see Murder By Death! MBD and Clue, for my family go hand-in-hand, can't watch one without watching the other..

Uncle 'Traveling' Matt

I think I saw this when I was about 8 or 9. The maid was my favourite character but I wasn't sure why ;)

Catherine LW

I love this movie! We played the Clue board game when I was a kid, and last year, when the lockdown started and everything was closed except for essentials, I bought the electronic version to play on my tablet. It was fun and had the same named characters! 😁


I would like to second <strong>Death Trap</strong>. Great movie!

Mike keith

You weren't supposed to try and figure it out, it was just a comedy. It's not even possible to figure it out while you watch it since there was multiple endings, you guys are taking it way too seriously. Also, the only version they played when I was a kid had all the endings, these single ending versions suck. I have all three endings on my copy.

Patrick Flanagan

not true. each ending actually works, characters are missing where they need to be in order for each scenario to work.


Honestly, this is my favorite fun fact about this film haha imagine talking about this with a friend and arguing over the ending! -Sam


Haha yes! We love to hear it! This was fantastic! They were all so good! If I had to choose, I think I would pick Ms. Scarlet as well, but they're all hilarious! -Sam


Haha it was so great!! I could definitely watch this over and over again! -Sam


Haha we were proud and then we weren't! Yes, we do need to get to Star Trek! -Sam

Patrick Flanagan

Mr. Writhms - On the other hand, the movie itself is aware of how ridiculous Sellers' character is and makes fun of him for being a caricature and stereotype.


When the movie came out, the Paramount advertised different endings (e.g., "Clue (Ending A)") for different shows/theaters as a ploy to get moviegoers to pay multiple times to see all of the endings. Unfortunately for the studio, the the worldwide box office gross, $14.6M, didn't even cover the $15M production budget. Of course, this doesn't even take into account marketing costs which would put this movie way under water. It wasn't until it came on home video that the movie (now complete with all 3 endings) found a new audience.

Lucas Anthony Parsons

That's because people wanted all three to have, but you only saw one of them in theaters, so when people would talk about it with friends they'd get confused because their friend might have seen a different ending than them.

Lucas Anthony Parsons

Lol Yvette was my favorite too but ironically I ended up being gay and I think it was more because she was funny around all the men 😅🤣

Reed James

They can watch 6. 6 is amazing. I mean skip 5. But 6 is great.