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Happy Valentine's Day, all!

Li’l Ev’lyn Valentine is available now via Dropbox Reward Folders!

In Spring Valley, Valentine’s Day rivals Christmas and Halloween as one of the years most celebrated holidays. It’s not just a day of love, but also a day of indulgence, and I like to make sure I always do something on Valentine’s Day to celebrate. This year, I tried something different by putting out a short story starring Li’l Ev’lyn and her Uncle Trevor (on her dad’s side) that I hope fans of the Li’l Ev’lyn series will enjoy!

This 11-page series contains 18 sketches and I  was able to put this together in only 3 days (more like 2 days now that I think about it). I hope you’re not too disappointed that it’s not in full colour with really polished inks and such, but the turnaround time on this means that we can tell even more stories together, as I’m thinking of doing something like this for future rewards. More info to come soon!

In the meantime, enjoy some Ev’lyn, enjoy your Valentine’s Day, go spend time with friends, with someone fun, or doing something absolutely self-indulgent, or nothing at all. Whatever makes you happy ❤️ 



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