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Wow, working out what style I want to do our Discord stickers and emojis In has been a trip. I hope everyone likes what I settled on—something in between Spring Valley Striptease and a more traditional Good Girls style. I like this because it’s soft, colourful, and I think it’ll look good in a little animated sticker format. I hope you all like it too.

Feel free to suggest the poses and animations you’d like to see. If there are sufficient suggestions I may make a poll! Been a while since we had one of those! Honestly, I still haven’t settled on what I want to animate first, so if you have an idea, now’s your chance to have your idea heard 😛 as always, you can leave a comment, message me here or on Discord, or join the conversation on our Discord server.

It’d be great if I can make a little something to celebrate Evelyn’s birthday before the month is out and the year is over 😛 even if it’s simple keyframe animations and nothing complex. Wish me luck!




Evelyn blowing a kiss. Simple but a classic for a reason.


Absolutely! I didn’t think of this, it’s definitely on the list now!


Ahhhh, this looks fantastic! I love the hybrid style, and it seems perfect for the stickers and emotes ❤️ If you're still coming up with more ideas... maybe Evelyn with a finger on her lips, like she's thinking hard, looking all dumb and confused?


Yes I love it! I just added a similar “dummy Evelyn” animation to the list, but they’re different enough that they both work.