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The final Milk Candy pages are available now in the Milk Candy Dropbox folder!

I enjoy rereading my work when I complete a story. I appreciate being able to go on a full journey with these characters and I like to imagine how the story might read to somebody reading it for the first time. In addition to bringing us Midori and Mina, I also got to introduce Aiden, a character I've had in mind for a long time that it turns out I really enjoy drawing and writing. We definitely haven't seen the last of these characters! :D

This completed story, as well as a few others, will be available on Pixiv later today.

What's Next?

My primary focus for this month was to complete Milk Candy. This coming week, I'll be working on some collaborative pieces, from commissions and other places, including finishing the most recent Aimi story I've been sitting on for far too long!

The rest of February is all about Fun & Games (Lovely tier+) and Good Girls 7 - Cinnamon Hearts (Girlfriend Tier+), with my focus shifting to completing Fun & Games next. I have announcements for upcoming projects and comics, but I guess they can wait until after Fun & Games is completed later this month (or early next month).




WOOHOO!!! Time for the conclusion!