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The most wonderful day of the year is almost here! The day every girl in Spring Valley looks forward to all year long... Valentine's Day!

This year, I have two series planned to celebrate the most magical day in Spring Valley - one of which is a series of sexy Valentine's pinups!

The pinups will be simple, and I'd like to invite you to leave your suggestions for illustrations! Each pinup will feature a different girl (or girls) lying in bed and dressed for their date.

So which girls do you want to see? What are they dressed in? What are they saying?

Leave me your Valentine's pinup suggestions, in the comments here, in my messages, over on Discord or via email. The best method as always to discuss ideas is to join the conversation in the Poll Discussions channel on Discord. I can't wait to see what you come up with!



Zoey in something sheer and lacey, talkin about how hot Brittany looks!


Veronique and Charlotte in lingerie.